I don’t really last long when I masturbate. Usually around 6-8 minutes is my average time if I watch porn with hot women. But that number drops down to like 2-3 minutes when I’m watching a guy with a thick beautiful dick jerk off. Is something wrong with me? I’ve always liked women but maybe I’m starting to like men as well?

  1. Well, there’s gay, and straight, but there’s also bisexual, or pansexual, or many other sexualities. Point being you don’t have to be strictly attracted to women or men, it can be both.

  2. Bro you are not gay LOL . your brain just links seeing dick with pleasure because you masturbate with your dick . So any dick being touched . Your brain will relink it to masturbation and that’s why it can make you cum faster especially if you don’t have sex that much . You are normal

  3. Stop watching porn and only have sex with girls irl for a few months. The same thing happened to me, I felt I “knew” I was straight and was never attracted to men as a whole but the idea of a big dick is what turned me on the most. Especially girls doing things to big dicks online. Of course this only manifested after years of watching porn.

    Find a girl who is willing to be sensual with you for a while. The first month or so on my journey I could barely stay hard enough to have sex, could not cum, and had to use my hands and mouth to pleasure my FWB enough to not leave me lol.

    Now everything makes sense. Not only do I love the taste/smell of a woman, but I can actually feel what she does to my cock as even physically I was very desensitized at first from masturbating for several hours each day.

    Some guys are attracted to men. Some guys have their entire sexuality destroyed by porn. Only way to find out is to do what I said.

  4. When I was younger, I used to say the same thing. I have a thing for black leather gloves. I loved looking at photos of men wearing gloves, but I would try to block out their faces. I had convinced myself that I was straight…

    OP, your preference for big dick is a sign that you’re NOT straight. Nothing wrong with that. Find a guy you have a connection with and that you trust. Experiment with him.

  5. U might be bi sexual but hetro romantic.
    Thats when youre sexually atracted to multiple genders but romantic atraction to only women.
    U could f both but only love one.

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