Repost from another sub.

How’s it going folks. So I’m a 20M since thats needed.

So I’m trying to date currently. But I feel like where I’m at in life is really crippling my chances when it comes to dating and finding dates. Now I know I don’t need to date or have a significant other, in all actuality I’m perfectly fine with my own company. I would be lying though if I said the stupid fear of being a late bloomer hasn’t crossed my mind. My big question is should I just avoid dating for now and get my stuff together?

For starters I’m working towards becoming a tattooer. I’m a shop helper right now and I think I’m close to becoming a full on apprentice, although some would consider me an apprentice with what I’m currently doing.

I think it goes without saying, but if you don’t know, apprentices don’t get paid. Now that’s bad cause it’ll remove one of my sources of income but I’m working a second job part time, and if I become an apprentice I might have to switch it to full time, even though that job can suck a fat one.

However I’m also looking for new sources of income and I’m looking into starting a clothing brand. I have a lot of big dreams and aspirations when it comes to what I’m doing with my life, especially when it comes to improving it.

I also live with my mom currently, I’m helping her out with bills and such and am looking to get my own place around the age of 25. I know it’s gonna take a lot especially living where I do, rent is fucking expensive. However I’m not scared to put the work in to better myself. If I was able to put the work in for all the wrong things, I can put the work in for the right things as well to better myself.

So what do the people of Reddit think? Should I just scrap the idea of dating for now and keep getting myself all the way together? Like have my own apartment and such before I start seriously dating?

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