What are your biggest pet peeve’s?

  1. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I’m communicating to a potential client through WhatsApp and I ask them the size of the tattoo they want so I can give them a quote on it, and they’d say “not too big” like miss girl, your “not too big” is not the same as mine.

    Or they say “from around my wrist to my elbows but it stops about that much from the elbow like in the picture”. Like bro idk how big your forearm is!

    Your only job is to measure it out and tell me exactly what you want

  2. I really hate when you go to wash fruit and it has that little sticker on it. So then you have to peel it, but since you’re about to wash the fruit you stick the sticker to the counter. Then you walk away and you eat the fruit but later you come back and see the sticker stuck to the counter. So you have to peel it off again and the stick it to the trash bag. I know this is very specific, I’m sorry, okay?

  3. People who eat like “chom nom nom”. Why you have to make so much saliva noise sir ?

  4. I don’t have patience for people who slow me down. Like when I’m trying to leave and then I have to wait for them because they just start getting ready. Or people who are driving like 60 mph in the left lane which is the fast lane. Or people who walk extremely slow in front of me because they’re too busy staring at their phone to notice anything around them.

  5. When you buy deli meat/cheese and try to open it,but the sticker they use to close it tears the plastic bag it came in.

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