How should I approach my ex from 3 years ago? I’m not sure what the best thing to do is but I’ve felt the need to say something since he comes to mind often.

I heard from a distant mutual of mine that he admittedly still stalks my page “all the time” but that he will never say anything to me. He’s just really stubborn… but something has always felt kind of unfinished with us and I know he feels this way too.

What should i do? Or should I just leave it alone?
The only reason I’m hesitant to say anything is because i reached out prior but he didn’t respond.. I guess he was in a relationship at the time… but still he is currently still stalking my stuff and I just don’t understand, I would like to talk to him though.

  1. Just send a message. Say Hello. Or ask a fake question.

    “What was the name of that movie…”

    Or be honest.

    “I’ve been thinking about you, wanted to say hello.”

  2. I have a similar issue, same time scale.

    For me, she works in the local supermarket and I have been avoiding going there for a while. I moved house to a different area so there isn’t really a need for me to go there. But soon I plan to go there and if I see her just say hi and just gauge the situation from there, obviously if she doesn’t seem keen to talk I will just leave it at that.

    Realistically I think the biggest factors are out of your control, if they are in a really good place and seeing somebody else then they probably aren’t thinking about you anymore, whereas if they aren’t in an amazing place and they’re single then they’re more likely to consider contact. I know we don’t like to think of ourselves like that because it makes us sound like just an option, but that is the reality so I’m ok with that, you can’t expect somebody to keep full on loving you for eternity after a huge gap like that.

  3. Yea, don’t message. If he’s genuinely interested he can work up whatever is blocking him from reaching out to you.

    If he stalks you, and hasn’t reached out. He doesn’t want to, no matter what you heard.

    My current roommate checks on his ex gf Instagram sometimes but she messed him up real bad, he wants nothing to do with her. I’ve met her irl, if I told her, “hey he still checks on your Instagram sometimes” that’s not an indication of interest. If anything it’s habit and curiosity more than interest.

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