can someone please tell me how to bleach my vagina? I have struggled for YEARS to except it but I just am so insecure by how much darker than my body it is. I’m a caramel color but my vulva is so dark and I won’t even allow myself to get intimate because of it. Please help me out, I am afraid to even date with it being this color. I dated someone once and he told his friends and I went through his phone one day to see they all made fun of how dark my vagina was. This scarred me even more because it already took a lot for me to even open up and share something that I was already insecure about. It is my biggest insecurity and it makes me so sad. I don’t wanna hear to love and accept it, I have tried to years. I hate it so much, and bleach would be the only way for me to ever be satisfied Or maybe labiaplasty.

  1. Just don’t. It’s not a problem, and people in general don’t actually mind it

    Also, people who made fun of you were the exception and assholes. It’s a really normal and common thing

  2. I don’t think you need to try and change your body. What would be best is to change your self-image and realize that your body is beautiful. You are not as different to others than you think you are. Those boys were immature and plain wrong to make fun of you. There is NOTHING wrong with the color of your intimate areas and these differences make you unique and beautiful. I hope you are able to realize this one day. And I know this isn’t what you want to hear but it is the best thing you can do. If you struggle with this you can see a therapist to help you work through it.

  3. Sad that you think there is some wrong. It’s like being back in the 50s and the black sorority only lets light skinned girls join. It’s your choice to make but no normal guy would even think about it.

  4. You say that you don’t want people to tell you to love and accept yourself, but I’m afraid it’s the only rational response to your post, and it’s the only one you’re going to get on this subreddit.

    Don’t mess with your bits just because one dipshit decided he didn’t like what you’ve got. I promise that you’ll regret it if you do.

    Go check out a site like labialibrary or a similar project. It’s important that you appreciate the variety in human bodies and understand that there’s nothing wrong with yours.

    Seriously. Do not get plastic surgery or bleach yourself.

  5. As a man, I could not imagine being intimate with a woman and have an issue with such a special part of her body. Especially as man who in general men have more social expectations for their sexual organ,(size, length,girth,appearance). Pretty sure if I was with a woman who had a darker pussy I would first off just enjoy that I even get to be there and second appreciate the uniqueness and beauty of it.

  6. Hey hi hello!! I too have dark coloring around my vulva and ass. I’m a kinda tan white but very brown down there.

    Your ex is a jerk. Just straight up an asshole. He acted like a child. If he did that while you were together I hope you dumped him immediately. Any adult will know that vulvas come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, and it’s totally normal!

    Please don’t bleach it. No matter what your douchebag ex said, you are beautiful the way you are. Bleaching is not safe and can really mess you up. Ask your gynecologist.

    Also please check out the vulva gallery. It helped me so much when I was insecure about how my vulva looked.

  7. You will find someone who loves the color of your vagina. Do not change your body to be look like someone else.

  8. There are so many posts on this and other subreddits like this and really, a guy doesn’t care what your vagina or boobs look like. We’d want them no matter what it literally doesn’t make a difference. I can’t even imagine what a “bad” vagina would look like.

  9. It is gonna be so much easier to find a Real Man who understands the female body, than to find a solution that will ease your mind.

    No joke, everyone is insecure about some aspect of their body in the same way you feel about yours. Those messages you found are the correspondence between juvenileboys who have only seen a version of a woman on pornhub. That shit isn’t REAL. They are NEVER gonna find that in the real world. I’ve been with a lot of women, not a single one of them were this same. End of story and none of them looked like the polished, airbrushed, shaved, perfectly lit pussies you see in porn. This shit is so fucking cruel. Be kind to yourself.

  10. He was in immature ass. I am so sorry you experienced this. In my 49 years I have *never* looked at intimate pics of a friend’s partner nor shown any intimate pics of my partner to my friends. Such behavior is not common.

    Some men may have a preference about the appearance of their partner’s genitals, many don’t. The vast majority certainly won’t care even if the appearance of your intimate areas does not match their preference.

    And I emphasize, there are men who prefer any and every variation in the appearance of any and all female body parts. Yes, I assure you there are men who find a darker vulva and labia to be particularly sexy. I am such a guy.

  11. Porn stars and models are FAKE. Porn is entertainment, not reality. Do not try to duplicate! Do not measure yourself against them or compare yourself to them. There is someone out there who thinks your dark intimate area is the freakin’ sexiest thing they have ever seen – *that’s* who you want to be with. Jest be 100% unapologetically YOU.

  12. Leave it be, many women have dark vaginas, I don’t see this as a problem. If ur BF has a problem with it then tell him to move on. You should love it the way it is, being intimate with yourself will get easier as time goes by and you’ll start to realize that you have a normal vagina color. Then once you get a few compliments from either girl or guy then you will lose that insecurity. Believe you’ll be fine, I was with a girl with a similar situation and all she needed was one person to make her feel good about it. Problem solved. Hang in there. Good luck. And by the way that guy and his friends are all immature idiots for making fun of you so ignore that.

  13. Don’t do that. Vulvas are varied in color and it can depend on race. I’m fully white and I literally have a darker dusty rose vulva. Bright pink is not that common and impossible for some races. It’s NORMAL to have a dark one.

    Bleaching comes at great risk to nerve endings and skin health. I know it’s easier to just fix your body to the standard, but I truly encourage just fixing your thoughts. Comes with less health issues. I have a darker vulva and I still have a partner that loves me. It wouldn’t exist now if other people before didn’t like it enough to mate with.

    I want to say I empathize with you; I had an ex partner make fun of my pubic hair (if existed, just like most adults) and all of his friends made fun of me. At 22! Choose to rise above. My ex partner and the guy you reference were clearly too immature for adult sex

  14. I have dark inner thighs and my Sri Lankan ex left me saying he finds it disgusting (he also had it). This was his excuse for cheating on me and leaving me for someone with lighter skintone. I felt insecure, stopped going on dates and felt the new guy might have similar views as my ex did. For years I felt insecure and it took me almost 3 years to get my confidence back. I wish I could go back in time and tell the 23 year old me that most of us have pigmentation and there is nothing wrong with having most part of our body with discolouration. Just know your worth and don’t let anyone make you feel you aren’t good enough for yourself. If he has feels disgusted than it’s his loss

  15. As a man, I don’t really care about how my girl’s private parts look, as long as she’s healthy.

    I’m sorry some guy made you feel bad about yourself, but trust me, any person with a mature brain won’t mind.

  16. If you bleach your pubic area you can seriously hurt yourself. You’d be surprised by how excited men get over different kinds of bodies. It’s normal to have a darker vaginal area regardless of color. I’ve talked with many people over the years and not once has a man ever expressed anything negative about your issue. It’s sexy.

  17. It’s normal for genitals to be a slightly different color. No need to use cosmetic chemicals on something that’s already normal.

    Most people won’t judge because their junk is the same way.

  18. Nah, dont bleach that shit. Its just how you are. I promise you, tons of guys out there would eat it even if it was a deep purple. If a girl I was into whipped out a sharpie black vagina, Id still rip it apart with my face. Dont be racist to your $$ because some dork you rocked was.

  19. 62m and why would you listen to some man who is so stupid, your beautiful and sexy and your vagina is also so please don’t bleach and fine a better man please

  20. Do NOT bleach anything.

    It’s normal to have hyperpigmentation in those areas. It’s really, really common.

  21. You’re perfect the way you are and shouldn’t let toxic people rent the valuable space in your mind.

    There are plenty of people who like darker skin and it’s just skin, also those areas tend to be darker anyway.

  22. It’s not a question of loving yourself OP, it’s normal for a lot of people to have their genitals of a darker color. It’s as if you were trying to change your idk hair color, which yeah of course you can do if you really want, I’m sure there are plenty of doctors specialized in these things, but it’s nothing you should be ashamed of or that is bad.

    Like the others already said you ex was an asshole and most men wouldn’t care about it, even those who do have a preference would probably be still be fine with it anyway, if you like someone you don’t ruin the relationship with them because of a detail like that. Unless they suck like your ex

    Before putting yourself through surgery or whatever they do to change it give dating or sleeping with someone else a chance, seeing you *can* be appreciated by someone might make your fear get better without having to do anything

  23. Please don’t bleach your vulva. You have nothing to be insecure about. Go to the gynecologist, and he will say the same thing.

    The problem is not with you. The problem is with your ex boyfriend, who has a porn problem. We live in a fucked up society. People watch a lot of porn, where most porn stars have a shaved pink vulva with an outie but with small labias. And anything that differs seems weird for them.

    A good and mature boyfriend would love every part of yours, just because it’s yours. HOW CAN HE NOT? It’s the woman he loves! I would love and I would love to kiss every part of my girlfriend, firstly because she is the woman I love. And not because “her parts fit the description set by porn videos”. It will be more like a “she will set a new description for what perfect body/genitalia looks like”.

    So it’s not your problem. That’s your body, it’s natural. It’s your ex boyfriend’s problem. It’s better to find someone not obsessed with porn stereotypes, who will love every part of you.

  24. I will tell you this: you might have had an existing insecurity regarding that area being darker than the rest of your body due to comparing yourself to some standard set by God knows who but trust me, what that guy did aggravated this insecurity and that is what fuelled your thoughts to reach this magnitude. Give it a little more time and thought and I truly hope a real man comes around to reverse the effects of your immature, sad excuse of a human ex. It’s also sort of funny how your ex outed himself in a way because if he was able to make fun of your private part along with his loser bunch of friends, it basically clarified none of them ever got around many women, as expected from boys with such shitty ideology regarding women’s bodies. So trust me, you dodged a bullet.

  25. Yeah I am a white female and I have darker skin around my vulva. Totally normal ❤️

  26. I’m in general a white guy, really white. But my dick didn’t fit to my white skin. It’s more like tanned. On my in side there’s a large darker area elongated line up to my balls, then the line runs completely along the middle of the balls. All my girlfriends where astonished and loved it. One of them was totally in love with the colour and template of my dick. 😂☺️ So you will find someone who will appreciate your dark tattooed pussy!! I bet it is beautiful as fuck! 🤗😘

  27. There are many of us that love a color like that.. Don’t be discouraged because of some douche nozzles

  28. This is easy for me to say, but PLEASE don’t let that asshole get into your head! I would scream this from the rooftops, if I had to, but someone that loves you and only wants to please you will not give one damn.

    My ex also had this, and she was very self conscious about it. And you know what? I didn’t even notice until she asked me about it, roughly 2 years or so into our relationship.

    Porn has played a huge part in this image that women need to look a certain way down there, and I hate it. I don’t remember what I said to her, but when the right person is down there, the color may very well be the last thing on their mind, if at all.

  29. I won’t tell you to love and accept it, but I will tell you I’m a nurse in two reproductive health fields (so I see a *whole lot* of genitals!) and it’s absolutely normal and natural for the vulva to be darker. There’s a lot of blood flow to that area, and in women there’s mucosa where the top layer is thinner as well, so that rich color really comes through. All genitals are this way, it means that part is working how it’s supposed to. I’m so sorry you were hurt by some dumb immature bullies who showed their asses – you deserve better!

  30. Girl, please consider one thing:
    Do you believe all dicks are perfectly evenly coloured?
    I’ve seen really different types there. Every guy is different as well as all women’s vulvas look different. Anyone who shames you about can go get lost.

    Let me be open: the guy you dated didn’t really care for you. Seriously, why would anyone share that intimate details with friends to make fun of them?
    I talk to my best friends about sex stuff, too, but only if I either enjoy it very much or if I need advice.
    No decent human being would do what your ex did.

  31. Dark vaginas are hot, light vaginas are hot, all vaginas are hot. Every person is unique so be strong and embrace your vagina!

  32. You’re completely, 100% normal just the way you are. I have very fair skin, like my roommate was teasing me a couple days ago about how it’s the end of summer and you can CLEARLY still see all my blue veins in my arms. My vulva is much darker than the rest of of skin. I’ve only ever gotten compliments. I think your ex just sucks.

  33. We are all darker down there. No one is lighter then their skin. He was an ass and I am glad you are away from him .

  34. Omg. The pain here. First, a massive hug. Second, please don’t change. You’re perfect the way you. (And what ever you do do not bleach your vagina. There is no need. ) Your ex is wrong, not you or your vagina. I think talking to someone will truly help you. Or maybe scrolling through reddits more x-rated subs to see you’re no different from many other women.

  35. there are always going to be disgusting people out there but most people won’t care about how dark it is. but i totally understand being insecure about it, you just have to learn to love yourself. i struggle with the same problem, i feel like mine is too dark compared to the rest of the area & i don’t personally like how it looks on me. it just takes time to learn to accept and love it. you can’t change it in a healthy way, bleaching it isn’t the answer. pls do not do that

  36. I know you’re looking for a way out. And a lot if the “accept it” comments may be falling on deaf ears for you. But they are right.

    Consider if therapy can help before committing to physical alterations that may hurt you.

  37. I’m so sorry you had such a dehumanising and cruel experience but I want you to know that a mature and loving partner would not ever do that, and any guy who isn’t a little bitch wouldn’t have ANY issue with the colour of your vagina, he would just be grateful you were willing to have sex with him !!! Please don’t compromise your health or go for a dangerous procedure just to please potential partners or feed into your irrational insecurity. Please accept yourself instead. Good luck!

  38. It’s normal. Half of white girls have darker bits and all darker skin girls which is most of the world have it.

  39. Mature guy here . Your ex was a full weight Twonk . Whisper it but everyone fixates on something they don’t like about themselves to some degree . You don’t know it because they don’t walk around with a sign saying I hate my nose , I hate my cock or whatever .

    And 99.9% of people would look at the nose or the cock and say. What’s wrong with it ? . That one per cent of people that do make a snide remarks do so because they are childish or insecure and have a sign of their own they carry.

    My SO was very ill before I met her . The meds made her retain water and her metabolism slowed down . She gained a lot of weight . When she recovered she worked hard to get back to her old self again so she could wear the dresses she loved . But she had in her words “ a saggy tummy “ and wanted surgery to tighten it again .

    She wouldn’t wear a bikini on holiday and she wouldn’t let me see her tummy. I kissed her tummy and caressed it with my finger tips and told her I love her tummy . She now knows I don’t care about it . She is here, she is alive and I’m thankful.

    So please don’t bleach or feel your vulva is unattractive . I promise you real men / real women . Won’t even notice, it’s natural , it’s normal and frankly it’s attractive. Because if we all looked the same any attraction would be fleeting. So live your best life your are fine go and enjoy.

  40. Pls don’t bleach it. It’s really dangerous and could cause you many infections. I’m african with a dark intimate area, my partner is also African with a dark intimate area, I have personally never cared what the colour of his area is (only that its clean) and same him for me. Some men have a preference for lighter colored intimate area, but that does not mean we bleach it.

    Would you bleach your face to satisfy a significant other???

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