(Long distance btw)

I really like this guy and confessed my feelings for him. But he won’t give me a straight answer. He keeps avoiding the topic, and in his last message, he said he thought we were just working partners and that I had never mentioned any feelings before. He keeps avoiding the topic. I told him I would really appreciate it if he could tell me so I could move on if he did not feel the same way, but he keep’s avoiding it and me.


It’s been a couple of months since he’s been avoiding me even before mentioning my feelings–blowing cold on me–when we were working together on a project. In the beginning (last year), when we started working together, we would send hearts and mems, but after a while (this year), I realized he was trying hard to keep his distance, and his tone started to become more serious and neutral towards me. Why might this be? Why can’t he just tell me so I can move on?

Edit\*\* He was also giving me mixed signals telling me he misses me during the time he was avoiding me

  1. Things may be complicated on his side and perhaps he doesn’t know how to sort things out. But whatever the reason is, I do advice you to move on despite him not giving an answer. Sometimes silence is all one needs to understand, rejection comes in many shapes.

  2. Im sorry but he doesn’t feel the same way and doesn’t know how to tell you. Thats probably what it is.

  3. He’s not interested and you’ve been making him uncomfortable. He doesn’t owe you closure.

  4. If he likes another girl who hasn’t reciprocated, and you’re fairly attractive to him but not as liked, he may be trying to option you.

  5. If the answer isn’t yes, it’s a no. Never wait around for a man to tell you he doesn’t like you. Many men like to get women emotionally attached so they always have someone to have sex with or talk to without reciprocating the emotion.

  6. Answer to what exactly? You didn’t really ask a question…

    I think by writing all of that down you really should know what his feelings are, but if it isn’t obvious, he doesn’t like you.

  7. I have one of these. A guy I was working with was texting me all the time and it was getting flirty and so on. Confessed after 4 months of this, silence. He ended up coming back around and we talk occasionally.

    I bet you dollars to donuts he has someone. He didn’t turn you down because he wants to keep the option open but he didn’t confirm either because he can’t. So basically you are still on the table for when he can move forward. The guy I was talking to had a girlfriend the whole time and his best friend still keeps tabs on me.

    I say move on too, there are other men who would be happy to have you with less drama and baggage. It’s toxic and no one should be treated like an option.

  8. Long distance lol

    That’s a non starter. Why are dudes so pathetic these days? Far cry from my grandfathers generation.

  9. He doesn’t want anything more with you. That’s it. Sorry. If someone wants you, you will KNOW.

  10. He sounds like a fuck boi…he wants to keep you around but he dosent really need you atm

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