Going on a first official date with this girl , saw her before and we talk mostly daily on snap.

Thing is , we both live 2hr drive from each other and going to a town to meetup which is 1 hour for me off and her its 1h30 of drive. So after the date and wine bar i’ve organised for us to go , it would be fairly late ofc and I wouldn’t want either of us to drive that much by 2-3am.


I was thinkin of renting a hotel room with 2 beds if necessary to stay the night, thing is , I’m sure it will come off as creepy or ”I wanna sleep with you” so I don’t dare to ask her yet or at all. 😡

1 comment
  1. I think if you explained to her exactly like your post on here, then she would understand and wouldn’t find it creepy. Or if you can cancel your plans and you just drive all the way to where she lives you can go out drinking near her and she can go home after then you can get a hotel alone and not have to worry about coming off creepy!

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