During sex, I noticed my hearing got a bit muffled and after sex, once we stood up, I was dizzy and couldn’t hear well at all for a few moments. This hasn’t happened before. What is this from?

  1. Happens to me once in a while after a great session. The dizziness can be from u getting up to fast never know why my hearing goes tho. Google it lol

  2. I’m not a doctor, but I have heard it’s from an obvious but transitory drop in blood pressure after achieving orgasm.

  3. Huh, I come from a traditional medicine background that actually does describe this. In Chinese and Indian medicine the kidneys and sex organs have the ears as their exterior organ. If the health of your kidneys is poor it can cause ringing or vertigo after sex. Serious depletion will also cause knee and leg pains.

    If you’re interested in this approach to health, you can go to a Traditional Chinese Medicine practioner and see if you have a Water element depletion.

  4. I heard the muffled ears was because of the dopamine release during sex. Not a scientist though. It happens to me a lot.

  5. Lightheaded, dizziness happens to me a lot after orgasm but never had muffled ears. Ask your doctor?

  6. You should see a doctor about it. Probably not serious but could be a blood pressure issue.

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