What’s the point in continually growing? Is there any shame in remaining where you are in life?

  1. Honestly, if you’re happy and in a good place in life it might not be necessary to grow all the time. People want to continually evolve but to me that’s like always saying they’re not good enough for themselves. Sometimes in life you need to be able to look in the mirror and say I’m good enough and as a man I’ve found that it’s incredibly difficult to be able to do that. Most of us hold ourselves to such a high standard that we’re constantly stressed out and chasing what’s next. There’s something great that can be said for sinking into a rhythm of life and rolling with it for a time.

  2. Unless you’re some all-powerful deity, you’re nowhere near a perfect being. You should always be trying to improve yourself.

  3. If you are already happy with where you are, no need to keep growing. I don’t think there’s any shame in remaining the same.

  4. Like it or not, you can’t actually stay in the same place in life. We are always growing so it’s important to have some fun with it and find things you love and want to grow into.

  5. No shame. Who are you trying to please if you are already happy in life. Im not saying stunt your potential, but there ain’t nothing wrong with enjoying the view halfway up a mountain

  6. It depends where you are in life.

    If I never went to college, working a minimum wage job, was still living with my parents; yeah there’s some shame in that if there are no medical reasons for me to still be there.

    There is a certain point where coasting is acceptable; its hard to define though. I’ll use myself as an example; I know I’m a coaster, I won’t do more than is required. I make $71.5k a year on salary. I’ve told my manager I don’t want to move past senior level in my career because the extra responsibility isn’t worth it.

  7. In my experience it’s pretty involuntary. I don’t necessarily learn all the same lessons or draw the same conclusions as somebody else, but as life keeps putting me in different situations my understanding of the world broadens. It’s not a choice so much as it’s our natural curiosity to try to make sense of what’s around us and develop strategies to improve our lot in life.

  8. Yes. If you can age and honestly say that you knew and understood things at an earlier stage you are likely a very dull person.

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