what was the first game you ever played?

  1. Idk, I couldn’t read at the time. The earliest I remember was some NES game with a password system (sucks to be you, Mr. 4 yo.) or Excitebike. But from what I’ve been told, I was playing games on the Atari before I could even crawl.

  2. Would’ve been Street fighter 2 on the sega megadrive or the ps1 I couldn’t remember which one

  3. first i remember is miel monteur autos, or miel monteur huizen.

    dont know what those games are called in english. i know the swedes call them mulle meck or something like that (probbably wrote that wrong)

  4. River Raid, on an Atari 2600 clone. I only learned its actual name more than 25 years later 🤣

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