Meaning this in the kindest way, how do you forgive yourself?

  1. Forgive yourself for what? There is no way to answer this without knowing what it you did.

    If you spilled milk. Get over it. Go to the store and buy more.

    If you killed someone. You don’t. It is jail for the rest of your life thinking about how you destroyed a family.

  2. Depends on what I did that needed forgiving. Sometimes you have to sit down and think why did I even do that?

    But I don’t say things that I don’t mean out of anger. I try my best not to misdirect frustration. I will always be harder on myself than anyone else could be towards me. Sometimes you just have to shrug it off and not let stuff that already happened dictate your existence. What was done was done.

  3. By understanding your choices back then or realizing that if you did not have anything to choose from, there is nothing to forgive as reality does not bend to your will/wishes. In general grudges against oneself often come from passing judgement made with todays knowledge onto past events. How is one to realistically overcome the very fabric of time to realign the past with ones current judgement? The answer is _You don’t_. Regrets are bound to burden us from time to time but they tend to be lifted of our conscience once we truly have changed to the point that we are confident to not repeat our past mistakes.

    Basically it comes down to humble ones harsh judgement of oneself and really internalize that in life there is always more to be done, more to repair, more to better, more to prevent than one small mortal soul could ever do by itself. Have mercy on yourself, because if you don’t, why would anyone else?

    [Edit: spelling]

  4. Do what you can to make things right. Learn from it and move forward. You don’t live in a bubble, your attitude and perspective effect everybody around you.

  5. 1. Repent to Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala
    2. Don’t do it again
    3. If I’ve wronged someone, I compensate them through good deeds (if I fight them and they in hospital, I’ll buy them a ps5, first I’ll need money, or something)

  6. Understand that you are going to make mistakes in life, when you do you have to recognize them but don’t ruminate too long, then move forward and do better next time

  7. Learn from your mistakes, engrave them in your mind so you’ll NEVER forget, but over time make peace with yourself and know that you’re a better person. And honestly if the thing you did was atrocious then you shouldn’t forgive yourself, but still move on and be better.

  8. I don’t. I make things right and own up to my mistakes. Some things can’t be fixed, but I would be a piss poor excuse for a person if I didn’t try.

    Forgiveness is for the wretched. It’s beneath me. I have the means to act, so I do. I’m not always right in doing so, but I have no regrets this way because I always see things through.

  9. Can only control your decisions moving forward. No time machine. So, you don’t even have to forgive yourself, but you MUST go on. Learn and make better choices next time.

  10. I’m a human first, a man second. I make mistakes and I’m not perfect.

    Once you accept this, things are easier.

  11. I don’t, i just keep pushing through it, try to make the pain be the fuel to go forth, sometimes i just say “it is what it is” and sometimes i just take the hit and thinks “I must be so shit, i hate this character i built, I’m just tired of being me, even I don’t like me”, but i try very hard to like me and to be good, so idk

  12. Don’t blame yourself in the first place. No forgiveness needed. Don’t blame those who are blaming you either. Infinite diversity and lots of apparent orchestration of events are strong hints of Oneness and that whoever you think you are, isn’t really worth blaming or forgiving. Yet, do whatever seems to help without hurting others.

  13. You can try to fix the damage you’ve done and then additionally redeem yourself. For example if you stole something return/replace what you stole plus give something else along with it. This doesn’t make up for what you did, unless the person you wronged feels it does, but it’s a step to being better.

    Often fixing it or redeeming yourself isn’t an option. You have to accept that. The only thing you can do is learn from it and avoid it going forward. Also try to encourage others avoiding the same mistakes you made. Mainly to avoid similar pain being caused. Kind of like an exrobber making security systems.

    Depending on what it is you may never forgive yourself but you can be better which is a decent feeling. I’ll never forgive myself for how I treated my first major girlfriend. I wasn’t a monster but I wasn’t someone she deserve. However I strive to never treat anyone like that again. I’ve been with my current girlfriend for twenty years. I believe the fact that I have never forgot how I use to be has helped me build a better relationship with her than if I never worked on that part of me. It certainly helps me be grateful for what I do have and be mindful of the work I need to commit to in order to keep it.

  14. You were a smaller man back then. Look forward, should tomorrow take you round the path where you made mistakes previously, you can overcome the issues with new wisdom and experience. Keep your chin up, your shoulders back, and walk forward proud.

  15. I heard this Joe Rogan clip where he says something along the lines of “you’re not who you were in the past, your actions don’t define you”. While you, and everyone else on planet earth,have fucked up a lot, and will continue to do so, so long as you understand what you did was wrong and tell yourself you won’t do it again you’ll be fine.

  16. I accept what I did and I move foward……no point looking back at something you can’t change.

  17. if you change the choices you act on and become different and better then you can forgive yourself for your mistakes or you can pray to the creator of you want to feel clear

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