Where do you usually work out?

  1. If i i wanna get a real good workout in, i go to the gym. If im tired and my work day sucked, i do my workout at home.

  2. At home. But I do go to the river a few times a week and paddle 3 – 5 miles in my kayak, it’s a good workout.

  3. At home or at the park. I don’t like the feeling of being rushed when I’m using equipment at gyms.

  4. I did a few years of yoga while doing all my weight lifting at home, but now it’s just weights at home and cardio outside in the summer (biking, walking, hiking). I’m pretty strict with following a routine and exercise order, so I would hate a public gym just for the fact that sometimes others are using the equipment you need. I also don’t like working out around people cause I like having my own space and not being interrupted for anything.

  5. Gym. Or if I’m too lazy to drive I’ll walk around my apartment building until I reach 10k steps

  6. The gym, everyday. I take the first two weeks off in the year, and then 2 weeks off in July. Sometimes I’ll take spot rest days when I need them.

  7. Home. When I tried going to the gym a few times, I hated having to constantly wait to use machines or certain free weights. Also its free and saves gas money to work out at home.

  8. Gym, with a group. It’s hard for me to stay self motivated and having a group really helps.

  9. We basically turned the garage into a gym (we have pretty much anything you’d need) so in there.

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