Hoping to keep this light and fun, while still maybe informative.

My wife and I have different cleaning styles. We’ve gotten to a place where we can laugh about it, or at least recognize the inherent goodness in both styles. I mean, hey–the cleaning gets done after all.

An example:

We entertain a lot and I’m the type that will start doing dishes/pots/pans as the evening dies down, and people are starting to leave. So if, say, it’s a “10 sink-load party” I’ll have maybe done 5 sink-loads before my wife starts helping. Wife is of the type who would wait til the very end and do all 10 loads at once.

Anyone care to share their own examples?

  1. Oh lord…

    – If there’s a party at our house on Sunday at 2PM I organize, I start cleaning Thursday night. Paced, relaxed, chill. Seeking zero help from her but appreciate of any offered.

    If there’s a party at our house on Sunday at 2PM she organizes, she starts cleaning on Sunday at 12PM. Frantic, harried, anxiously “asking” for help.

    – If I cook a meal, I clean as I go. I recently made 3 meals at once (dinner, lunch prep for the week for me, and tomorrow’s breakfast for the family) and you could barely tell ANYTHING was prepped/cooked by the time dinner came out of the oven. I’m relaxed.

    If my wife cooks, literally everything used is still on the counter or stove or in the sink until the next morning (at the earliest). She’s a wreck.

    – The cup I use for water in the morning is the same one I’m using all day. (Or, in the case of my beloved, themed Yeti gifted by a student, all week with rinsing.)

    The cup my wife uses is kind of an emotional statement for the moment. 2-3 throughout the day is a light day. Most of them still half-full by evening.

    – My evening cocktail involves one extra utensil (stirrer), which is rinsed and put back when finished.

    My wife’s involves many (muddler, strainer, measuring cup, measuring spoon. knife, lemon half)… all of which stay on the island.

    Love, it’s a wondrous thing lol

  2. I’m the OCD, lightbulbs get dusted one.

    He’s the one that loves me anyway 😂

    We are both reasonably tidy. Thankfully he’s willing to clean to my standards and I’m able to relax (occasionally) about some things.

    Funny story:

    I overheard our preschooler asking “Daddy, why do we have to make the bed? It’s just going to get messed up again.”

    Husband responded “I know, son. But it makes Mommy happy so we do it anyway.”

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