When was time social media made you happy and how?

  1. Somebody on Tumblr posted a really interesting analysis on Henry Winter from *The Secret History*. I loved it!

  2. Maybe I’m an outlier but most of my social media experiences are pretty positive. I curate my feeds to only show me things I enjoy, which are usually animals, art and hobby stuff. And I use social media to keep in touch with friends and family which has been an absolute blessing during the pandemic.

  3. I’m in several niche hobbies and it’s not easy finding people to share similar interests with in real life. I’m happy when I finally get to talk about what I’m making with other similar minded people.

  4. Every time I see a funny meme, which is the only thing I really use social media for.

  5. All my social media experiences are generally happy. I only follow things and people I’m interested in and have a healthy self esteem that’s not shaken by others social media presence. I do block content that’s annoying but keep popping up though just so I can keep a curated feed.

    I love seeing nail art and nail polish “swatches”, especially new collections. It gives me ideas for what color I want to wear next. I did some scroll and screenshot last night to plot a cute spring manicure.

  6. i put my pictures from shooting with a friend of mine on insta. never posted anything at all before that. everyone was so nice, which was absolutely amazing because i’d never modeled before and always hated pictures of myself until then.

  7. Ever since MySpace died, I haven’t much liked social media… until I got my step kids… I love posting about them. I love my kids… they are really the only things I post about anymore. Mostly I just use FB for the messenger, since all my friends already have it.

  8. Youtube Cat compilation videos I just watched make me remember that there’s innocence in this world. Also, I have a couple friends I wrote fanfiction online with not too long ago that make me happy :).

  9. Is that possible? In my experience social media has only ever exacerbated my mental health issues lol.

  10. I am forever inspired by the forest maidens I follow on Instagram, I adore Instagram. Whereas reddit is full of gamer geeks I don’t relate too, I go on Insta to be among romantic and creative women like me. I use the web version where I see no ads or recommendations. https://www.instagram.com/adventuringbeth/ always makes me happy with her misty romantic out in the countryside photographs and prose. I just adore every person I follow and am always happy using Insta. I cull it regularly if I’m seeing things that are not inspiring or resonating for me.

  11. I love looking at my archived stories. It’s like looking through a video album of my son growing.

  12. Probably around 2014. It was a time when Tumblr was really popular, along with the Jenners, Victoria’s Secret, having an aesthetic, etc. People surely glorified a lot of things that should not be glorified, but it was a happy era for me somehow.

  13. It makes me happy every single day. I get to see cool fanart, funny memes, interesting points of view, my friends doing fun things, etc.

  14. I mute the people that I know but am too worried to unfollow directly due to making a “statement.” It’s done wonders. I also have unfollowed 400 people and removed them from my followers list. It’s made things much simpler and more personal. I also curated my feed to be of food, travel and pets. I used to get things about weddings, nightclubs and fancy houses and that became toxic and debilitating real fast

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