I had a friend break down today saying how despite being surrounded and trying to talk to people about his mental health, it never seems acceptable or validated :’)

  1. I have I think two friends I can be honest with.

    My other friends are too sensitive and emotional to handle any other opinions than their own. If I bring up politics or how I feel around them… they’d want to crucify me.

  2. I don’t really talk about “feelings” but I do have a couple guy friends I can talk about any kind of heavy life stuff and bounce things off anytime. And I mean I can talk about literally anything with them and there is no judgement.

    I do the same for both of them (one of them I was there through his entire divorce).

    A lot of guys are judgmental sacks of shit I’d be careful telling anything non-superficial to these days. You can hang out and have a few drinks but that is as deep as those friendships are ever going to go.

    So I’ve found those stand by you through thick and thin kinds of guy friends rarer and harder to find today. But that’s also why those ones tend to be life long friendships.

  3. Really… plenty. My mom, my wife, my girlfriend, my friend in Kansas, my nanny, the homeless guy I let live with me for nine months…

    Hell, even the Redditor I’ve been sexting all week. She’s patient and smart and a good listener.

  4. I feel like I can express myself openly with most of my friends, and I think most of my friends feel the same way.

  5. 2, not family either. Often times people get the wrong impression or think it’s too much, so I suck it up and I’ll see a professional if I absolutely have to. It’s bullshit for a lot of us.

  6. I never had to. Zero? This isn’t a thing for me. Maybe that’s why you seem to be getting so many joke answers.

  7. Zero. But mostly because I rarely get overwhelmed by my feelings and have the urge to talk about them.

  8. 4 people, my father and my three male friends from childhood. Anyone else has always yielded bad results or it got used against me later.

  9. it depends on the subject , some topics i can talk about with my mother and can’t with my gf and vice versa, i have 0_2 people depends if i have a gf on that time or not , but non of em i can open myself up to em 100%, i think 50 % maximum

  10. I have the knack to not hold in my feelings or hold onto them. I say what’s bothering me and move on almost instantly.

  11. I randomly open up to around 3 people in my life and slowly see how they react. 1 of them I know I can be 100% open with.

  12. I’ve been in small team leadership type positions for most of my adult life. People used to open up to me and solicit my advice about all manner of personal and relationship problems. Men, women, straight, gay, people have always talked to me about things I could never talk to anyone except a therapist about. They could never see that my shit was not nearly as together as it seemed. Most of the moments of wisdom I have come from being so stupid so many times! Now I’m retired from that so I pass the fruits of my idiocy on to random redditers.

  13. My wife has enough on her plate so I keep things to myself generally, apart from her, no one.

    I’m not close enough to anyone to be comfortable enough discussing anything emotional, and I wouldn’t want to burden anyone with it anyway.

  14. Getting to heavy even with close friendships can weigh things down if you’re constantly unloading on them. I try not to, but probably still end up doing more than I should and end up feeling guilty when I do.

  15. Well, it’s hard to say. I can sometimes be an open book depending on my mood and I’ll talk to anyone, but sometimes I only feel like talking to one person.

    My friends group is going through a phase right now where it seems like everyone is starting to get more comfortable with talking about sensitive subjects. I guess we’re maturing finally now that we’re all turning 30 this year. It’s funny, because I’ve always wished they were more like that when we were teenagers when I was really going through hard times, but it’s refreshing nonetheless.

  16. Nobody. I tried with family, friends, and neither can relate or understand where i’m coming from. They say they do, but they really don’t.

  17. Pretty much nobody anymore to be honest. Maybe one or two of my male friends, maybe 1 of my female friends. But I’ve had my trust broken too many times to where I just don’t bother anymore. In fact random people on the internet are more helpful than people I know.

  18. It’s rough. I thought I could talk to my friends, hell even my wife but I was wrong. I hate when people say “I’m here for you” that’s bullshit, at least in my experience. And as man, it’s hard to express how we feel without judgment. You almost have to find someone who is struggling just like you in order to talk.

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