I (21 M) only have 3 friends and one of them I don’t wanna be friends with anymore. 2 of them are my best friends (male, both 20yo) ever since childhood. Both of them male. We met this girl online (19yo) maybe 4 years ago and we have met up every spring, summer and winter break we have had.

This girl is just not matching my personality you know? I feel like walking on egg shells being or talking with her. She gets upset and angry easily and uses harsh words when she becomes like that. She is also using “I’m just being honest” as an excuse when she really is just being rude. – calling my friend ugly in a shirt I thought actually looked good in him – though I thought that maybe it didn’t feel like him? – I didn’t think he was ugly though?? Even he got a bit upset but she of course just said “what you want me to lie?? Just being honest!” – my friend dosent mind this though. He likes honest people. – I do too sometimes but not when it becomes that you’re just being rude. I try to be honest too but I don’t ever have honest thoughts like that and it bothers me that she is like that and that makes me feel awful that I even dare say that. “She is like that” – I sound so rude…

I guess we are just very different and idk how and what to do. – I wanna stop being her friend. Distance from her. I’m afraid I will loose my lifelong friends if I do so. – would they understand? I still wanna be their friend and they can keep hanging out with her of course but what should I do when they tell me one day that she misses me? – should I just tell them the truth thay day? Thay I feel like we just don’t click? – she will probably be upset then and say that “it’s because you don’t even try” or something.. – I don’t even wanna try, I just… don’t like her? God I feel so awful saying that but it’s true. I don’t ever wanna tell her that of course but yeah..

What do you guys think? It’s such a weird dilemma idk

Edit: I’m not being toxic for wanting to end a friendship I feel like from my end that we don’t click? I know she likes me – damn she even had a crush on me once.. but I just.. don’t like her and I feel like idk… – I just don’t do well with people who have high temper. – I mean.. isn’t it healthy to know what kind of people you know you wanna surround yourself with and who you don’t want to? It’s not rude right? Because many people like her I know thay it’s just for me I don’t feel like I click with her.

– we also have nothing in common. I like movies and TV shows. She can’t even watch a movie without getting bored. – I mean she can but she dosent process any of it or actually *want* to do it. We both likes books but very different taste and she dosent actuallt read that much but yeah. – she likes music but I don’t listen much to music and when I do it’s very different. Some we have same but I rly don’t care when it comes to music I just listen to listen idk.
Yeah we are just very different I feel like. :/ – but I still feel so rude… because she still wanna be my friend but… – yeah I really need to get some advice about this

Tl;Dr want to stop be friend with a girl in my friend group, she wants to be mine but I don’t feel like I click with her. Can’t be myself with her.

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