We’re in a ldr (23f 26m) and in the past, we’re really good about calling each other and he wants to call everyday and we can usually chat for hours. But recently it’s changed. Usually we text throughout the day but now, if he asks how im doing and I respond pretty quickly, he doesn’t respond until like 4 hours later. And ignores the texts when I ask him how he’s feeling and just talks about whatever he wants, and then not respond for hours again. He’s always late to call, even when he proposed the time literally 15 mins beforehand. The past couple calls have just been him asking me for help on something and ending the call right after that. Or he’ll call and ask me how I’m doing, and turn to talk to people when I’m responding and say huh what did you say, so I have to repeat myself all the time, and then after a couple mins of this, he says he’ll call me tomorrow and ends the call.
I mentioned to him that I would rather just talk another day if one of us is busy. What else should I do?

  1. Speak your mind

    A LDR is hard as it is without this anxiety and nonsense

    Nip it in the bud now and call him out. How long you been together? Is he bored? Found someone else but scared to say?

  2. I’ve never really got LDRs, so take it with a grain of salt.

    This whole talk for hours, every day. For 3 months. That seems like something that would get old. Maybe he’s just tired. Maybe he has stuff to do. Maybe after 3 months he’s tired of talking about the same things every night? I dunno, obviously have no idea what you talk about.

    Maybe have a chat with him about what he wants going forward. Maybe you talk every couple of days? Maybe you have “date night” where you do the long chats once or twice a week, but the other days are just quick catch ups. Figure out what works for you both.

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