How much do you think your race has affected your dating life?

  1. I’m Asian, and most of the few likes I used to get on OLD in the West were from men who very openly and vocally fetishized my ethnicity. I’m ugly, so my non-existent dating life definitely isn’t caused by my race, but being non-white in a predominantly white country has certainly not helped either. I feel like the majority of men here wants to date within their own race (which is fine), and among the ones who doesn’t, most seem to fetishize WOC without realising it or finding it particularly wrong. “Well when I am outside of Europe women like me for being white and I don’t mind that so why should you-” ok buddy.

    I’ve considered moving back to my home country, for several reasons. If I do, it’ll certainly be interesting to see if there’s any difference in interest and male attention at all. I’m still unattractive even according to my country’s beauty standards, but I’m really curious whether more men will care slightly less about that and still see me as a potential partner when there’s no negative impact from the racial and cultural factor.

  2. Im “white”. I used to date whomever I pleased and not think race. But now im married, so I limit myself to 1 Mexican guy. 😁

  3. I’m Hispanic and tend to attract multiple men of all races so I guess it’s positively affected it for the most part.

  4. I’m black and it affects my dating life ALOOOOTTTTT smh. I feel like most of the men I’ve dated had a weird mommy issues thing where they wanted me to be the strong black independent woman who took care of them either emotionally, mentally, physically or all of the above. I’ve felt like the “man” in a lot of situations bc my partners would see what I had accomplished in life & how confident I am that they would take a back seat & kind of let me do everything. Dating outside my race would be none existent if I didn’t use dating apps. Other races of men will stare at me but never approach me or make the first move. 🤷🏽‍♀️.

    Oh, also, I’ve had to be very independent in order to live lol so I’ve achieved a lot of goals I’ve wanted to & because of this, if I’m not getting men with Mommy issues, I’m getting men who end up being intimidated by the fact that I am so independent and problems usually come about with these guys bc I don’t need them.

    Dating is awful lol.

  5. Asian and I have no idea but I had no trouble getting guys. I like to think it was (is) my awesome personality because I’m hilarious, confident and badass.

  6. I’m white and I think that made dating easier for me while living at home in England, but harder for me while I was living in Japan. There were a lot of blurred boundaries where it was my race people were fetishising and I was really uncomfortable with that. It wasn’t a purely a preference thing, but something where that really being the only thing that was being considered and nothing else about me.

  7. A lot. I’m a white girl in Japan. I’ve literally had dudes pull out their white-girl fap folders on first dates.

    Even my husband admits that he’s more into white ladies (although, importantly, he has never said a bad thing about women of his race). I don’t think it’s good or bad, but it’s definitely a thing.

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