I know of one, maybe two, but is it more common than that?

  1. Not a state, but the city of Louisville, KY is pronounced very differently by natives and most other folks.

  2. Nevada. There’s also a lot of cities in Massachusetts that are weird. Why the hell is Worcester pronounced “Wooster”???

  3. Nuh-vah-duh vs Nuh-vaaaa-duh

    Call-uh-rad-oh vs Call-uh-rod-oh

    Or-uh-gun vs Or-gun vs Or-ee-gone

    Miz-urh-uh vs Miz-urh-ee

    Loo-ee-zee-ann-uh vs Looz-ee-ann-uh

    Huh-why-ee vs Huh-wah-ee

  4. Some native Washingtonians say Warshington. There’s a suburb of Seattle named Des Moines and in Washington where you pronounce the S in Moines but you don’t pronounce it when talking about Des Moines Iowa.


    How could I forget Willamette? Washingtonians say “wuh-lamb-it” but in other parts of the country they say “will-uh-met”.

    Not pronunciation related but some Washingtonians also get mad when newscasters call Washington state “Washington state” because just saying Washington in the news usually means Washington DC.

  5. No one gets the nasally bit that’s required for Wis-cahn-sin. Except T-pain

  6. Arkansas

    Not a state but Mackinac in Michigan, say it with me Mack-in-awe not Mack-an-nack. Also Mackinaw is the city, everything else is spelled Mackinac, both pronounced the same

  7. In my home state of Missouri, people in the north of the state pronounced of Missou-Rah, the south pronounces it Missou-Ree, and in the winter time you pronounce it Misery.

    Interestingly, when politicians travel they typically will pronounce the state name like the locals do. Our last governor was famous for saying Missouree and Missourah depending on where he was giving the speech.

  8. You really want to ruffle some feathers? Skip the states. Let’s talk about Appalachia.

  9. It’s not super common but people who say “mass-a-two-sets” can take a long walk on a short pier

  10. Notice alot have trouble saying Arkansas for some reason. The word “Kansas” isn’t pronounced at all in it

  11. Nevada is not pronounced Ne-vah-duh (like Sierra Nevada) by the locals. The first “a” is pronounced the same as the “a” in “apple.”

  12. My family is from Biloxi, MS.

    Everybody from outside pronounces it Bih-locks-ee

    It’s really b’lucks-ee

    Nails on a chalkboard…

  13. Not a state, but I’ve heard many people mispronunce Mackinac, an important part of our state.

  14. It’s APP-UH-LATCH-UH not “app-a-lay-shuuh.” Atleast in the SWVA/east TN area.

    Source: lived 90% of my life in the heart of that poor, sad, oxy soaked situation.

  15. Pennsylvania its common to just say the 2 letter abbreviation P.A. It’s rare to hear anyone fully pronounce the full thing

  16. Some say, “ORA-GONE.” It’s ORGEN, pronounced just like your innards, *organ.*

  17. Don’t know if this fully counts, but most people from Pennsylvania don’t call it “Pennsylvania”, rather just the state’s abbreviation “PA”

  18. I’m literally sounding out each commenters phonetics. Crack me up. Great quotation to OP

  19. Not a state but a region.

    Appalachian / Appalachia are both mispronounced by almost everyone.

    My Dad grew up in Pennsylvania in that region, so we learned the correct pronunciation.

    App-ah-latch-an. Not app-a-lay-shun.

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