I recently started my first semester of college and theres a girl in my class I think is pretty. I don’t really know anything about her except her name and I do not sit next to her. I have no prior experience dating and I kind of lack social skills. I’d just like some advice on how I can approach her without being weird or awkward.

1 comment
  1. Go next to her and ask her if the seat is taken .
    She will probably say yes but its just so u dont seem rude so just ask . after you sit down ask her if she is from here or lives far away ..and ask why she chose the subject that you are studying …but be calm and take interest in her story . Tell her like . Your name is “kate” right ?
    And if she asks you for your name back its good . if not she might just not be into you or really just focused on the class or whatever so she didn’t notice its her sign to ask for your name .. but honestly just be friendly, not too excited cuz that freaks girls out , show her you value knowledge and ask if she has any hobbies outside of studying.also, make eye contact the moment you ask for the seat .
    Dont ask “can i sit next to you”
    Ask her “is this seat taken or would you rather to sit by yourself ” ..when you give her that option its not rejection.
    If the seats are not even close to each other than just when you find her alone just ask her about herself with honest interest.

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