What’s something that makes you fall hard for someone? For instance if a girl has good humor, or attractive features or has a hot body. What thing ‘does’ it for you?

  1. i cant describe it, but sexual tension , i dont think its when thing its the whole package

  2. What makes me fall for a woman is her brains, being nerdy and passionate about her favorite hobbies and interests. Can’t forget humor If she’s able to make me laugh, smile and we vibe together then I’m totally asking her out because her personality is amazing.

  3. Intelligence, compassion, kindness, maturity, similar sense of values and eithics.

  4. Thick thighs, fat ass, and a cute face.

    Unfortunately, finding all three on a man is a touch difficult.

  5. I think it is different depending upon what SHE has. It is what stands out on her, literally what is OUTSTANDING.

    It makes me want more of her. Whatever those attributes are, they pull me to her.

  6. When the perfect combination happens. I’ve had two crushes. One I instantly super liked just based on their looks alone, and I never even talked with them. The other (current) I still don’t know what they look like, but their personality, voice, interests hooked me hard. If I find out what they look like, it’s perfect, and they stop seeing who they’re seeing…, then they’d be the perfect bombshell.

    edit: typo

  7. A woman courageous enough to speak the truth. Like damn that’s so hot… if you find a woman who is honest and courageous… marry her and give her everything you can.

    Also one focused on doing things that are meaningful, rather than focusing on pleasure or happiness… that’s fucking sexy. That’ll get me bricked up.

  8. If she’s genuinely nice and kind to everyone (not as a front because she’s scared or wants things from other people), she’s conscientious and considerate, supportive and understanding, and has a nice butt.

  9. (Personality) If a girl has a good sense of humor and is passionate about what she likes and cares about family a whole lot, then that is an instant mile deep hole I’m about to fall in.
    (Physically) Short, skinny.

    You know what? Scratch all that. She just needs a pulse at this point.

  10. Honestly, sometimes it doesn’t take much … the other day a girl looked at me in passing (we gave way to each other on a footpath) and smiled the most genuine smile in thanks, and BAM, smitten! lol

  11. The unknown feeling if attraction. This woman Ive met only a handful of times has my heart and mind but I’ve never really talked to her about anything.

  12. If I knew that – I’d bottle it and sell it….

    Really tho’…Raven haired Brunettes with bangs are a mythical mystery to me

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