This was the first time me and my gf did it. It was sweaty and hot (plus we were worried about her mom barging in, which did eventually happen) and i tend to last longer in those circumstances, it was my second time ever having sex, i can tell i did a pretty good job by the leg shaking and intense back scratching, she came three times, i just feel bad that i didnt. She even tried blowjobs and handjobs but i couldnt finish.

  1. Don’t beat off. Like at all if your planning on having sex it will crush the getting off game lol.

    But honestly I ushually do anyway just so I can make sure I’m pleasing her haha

  2. If youre already anxious about being caught like no wonder it was stressful.

    It happens. Dont get in your head about it or you create a vicious cycle of performance anxiety.

  3. You were probably just nervous. That’s totally normal. It took me a while to get comfortable with a new woman.

  4. Women, like men, have various levels of arousal. Some can have multiple orgasms, some can’t have any – it usually averages out in-between (and not necessarily during PIV sex – get those fingers, that mouth, and a vibrator to work). I’ve been with two multi-orgasmic women – enjoy it, it is rather rare and a wonderful thing to behold and be part of…

  5. Fucking legend. Anxiety can play a part with her mom possibly barging in, but it’ll take time to find your rhythm. Nothing to worry about I had the same situation. 3 hour session the first time and I do still last pretty long but I’ve found ways to finish quicker. For me it’s maintaining a rhythm and just focusing on my partner and the moment. Good luck man.

  6. I had this Problem too. You are not alone and its even pretty common for guys who are inexperienced or didnt have Sex in a long time.

    Its all in your head. Just talk to her about it and enjoy the Sex anyways. After a few times, when you get more comfortable, you will definetly come.

  7. Look at it this way… It’s WAY better than the reverse. The stories on this sub of guys who only care if they cum and totally ignore her orgasm are totally depressing. I’m guessing she was on cloud nine. You’ll have plenty of other opportunities to orgasm in less uncomfortable situations. Good luck, have fun!

  8. Nerves man. It’s natural. When your relaxed and not looking out for a baseball bat swinging mother you will be fine.

  9. If you feel bad about it just let her know and maybe she can give you a little extra attention next time

  10. Whether or not you finish , having a partner who is willing and wants to help you reach that goal is preferrable than the alternative. Too many times I have read about the partner reaching theirs and its over, since they seem to not care that their partner did not.

    The mind and body sometimes does not want to cooperate, and thats ok it happens. But having a partner who is selfish does not seem to be your problem. Being able to satisfy them multiple times should lead to more attempts later for both of you.

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