Men of Reddit, what pickup lines have women told you?

  1. Wanna come in and fuck me? Do you want to fuck me? Hey you, what you doing tonight? Wanna hang out. I can make you cum in under under 5 min. Every one should cheat once a year, want to? I only got lines that were straight to the point. Let me state I am married and never cheated. Just a lot of lonely ladies out there and some days it’s good to be the mailman.

  2. I never noticed any attempts of flirt till later down the line they confess and tell em I am bad at hints.

  3. Just once, when I was briefly on Bumble

    > 🍋

    > Sorry couldn’t find an opening lime…

  4. Women don’t even approach me, they sure as hell don’t use goddamn pickup lines 🤣

  5. I wanna fuck your brains out. You wanna get out of here and come home with me. Can I take you home/can you take me home. Can I grab your but/ass? Can you give me your shirt, you don’t need it?

  6. “I can’t wait to see what you feel like inside of me”
    (This was said to me at the bar by some drunk girl that I didn’t even know)

  7. In a online video game, there was this one girl I was talking to because she looked like she was having a hard time in life. I one day asked her did you do anything special today? Her response was you. I was so fucking taken by that line. Obvs nothing happened but shitttttttttttt, thats pretty smooth.

  8. “Are you my clarinet? Because I want to blow you.”

    -My wife who is indeed a clarinet player

  9. Do people even use pickup lines anymore? I never have and no man or woman has ever used one on me.

  10. They haven’t. We’ve quickly found FAR more interesting and fun things to talk about than what some J.O. had to say- honestly. You’ve got CHOICES in life man.

  11. Them: <insert random letters and numbers>

    Me: excuse me?

    Them: my wifi password for when you come over.

    Generally, most women have pretty awful pick up game. I can count the number of actually clever lines on one hand.

    Usually it’s just something like “need someone to warm your bed?” Or “I love your shirt. It would look better on my bedroom floor” etc.

    Realistically “wanna fuck?” Would work 99% of the time, so I don’t blame them for not having anything better.

  12. some random tall black girl in high school kissed me on the neck in the principal’s office

  13. None. Since women mostly don’t initiate they don’t have pick up lines. They’ll try drop “hints” instead.

  14. I only tried a pickup line once..

    Asked a girl on a date to the movies and at the romantic kissing part I turned to her and said “may I taste of your beauty”. She and her best friend (she brought her best friend to the date, now I recognize it as a clear sign of not being that interested) laughed at that for a solid minute.

  15. Not really a pickup line but at the bar the finest woman I’ve ever seen in my life tried to talk to my buddy and I don’t remember the first time she came up it was brief. But the second time she comes over and goes “is that your brother over there?” Nobody in the entire bar looked anything like either one of us 😭 It did get her a better conversation though. She probably just did it to make our night too haha. Both of us Are still like that was the most beautiful woman we’ve ever seen. She was with her husband though and just coming over when he was across the bar doing whatever. Women can come up and say anything with enough confidence and get a decent response lol.

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