don’t be sus guys

  1. The formula for Count Chocula changed from being oats based (like Lucky Charms) to corn based in 1990 and it screwed up the taste significantly.

  2. The phrase “Age Defying” in make up ads is a reference to anti coagulation agents(anti clumping), anti fungal, and preservatives, which makes the makeup last longer in an unopened case. It has nothing to do with its effects on your skin.

    Same with energizers claims to “longest lasting batteries”, its in reference to the unopened package in cool dry storage, not the batteries continued output.

  3. Trees (big horsetails actually) evolved before the organisms that can break down cell walls. So there was a geologic period where trees would fall and just… Never rot away. More trees would grow and fall and grow and fall. It must have looked like a huge pile of matchsticks!

    Anyway, that period of time (the carboniferous) is where the largest coal deposits on earth formed, from those forests being buried. In some strata you can still see the evidence of the trunks lying on top of each other

  4. When the Aztecs discovered the avocado in 500 BC, they named it āhuacatl, which translates to “testicle.”

  5. Did you know that bald eagles are known to engage in a bizarre mating ritual where two eagles fly upwards, lock talons, and fall towards the earth while rotating, separating almost before they crash, if and only if they consummate their bird fuck.

    If not, they face death by hard ground

    It’s the ultimate race against the clock

  6. The 7th largest pyramid in the world is the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid in Memphis, TN

  7. In the late 90s, underwater acoustic monitoring heard a sound louder than any known creature could make. It was located eerily close to the mythical city in H. P. Lovecraft books where the nightmare horror Cthulhu rests. The noise was deemed the “bloop” and the most plausible explanation was ice tremors.

  8. Putting the milk in before the cereal actually doesnt effect the taste nor does it end the universe

  9. The saying ‘Daylight Robbery’ comes from when the English used to tax the Irish a ‘Window Tax’ or ‘Daylight Tax’. Bigger the window, bigger the tax. So when you’re in Ireland and notice a lot of the really old houses have smaller than normal windows, now you know why. They literally were charged for daylight in their own homes.

  10. The word window originates from the old norse “vindauga”, which means “wind-eye”; and refers to the opening , not the apparatus which now fills it.

  11. Ferrari haven’t won a World Drivers’ Championship since 2007. Fuck, remembering it ruined my day.

  12. A dragonfly’s penis is shovel-shaped at the end, to scoop a rival male’s sperm out of the female it’s trying to impregnate

  13. Strawberries aren’t actually berries. Berries have to have seeds on the inside, whereas strawberries have seeds on the outside.

  14. A pigeon will only eat a Starburst if you chew it up first. Just to specify chew the Starburst not the pigeon.

  15. **cracks knuckles** My time to shine: Snails are hermaphrodites and “mate” by shooting little darts of genetic information into the other’s face. Whichever ends up getting hit becomes pregnant.

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