What is the worse lie you ever told?

  1. that i loved someone when i didn’t.
    there’s just no need for this lie and it hurts everyone involved.

  2. Was suuuper drunk at a college party when my parents called me to ask how school was going, I was scared if I didn’t pick up they would drive over to talk to me so I went into the bathroom and talked to them on the phone for like 40 minutes

    Told them I was studying with a bunch of people from class and that I had to be quiet, I remember trying to get away from the sound as much as possible so I stood in the shower LOL

    I was like “Yeah I’m studying hard right now” while holding a drink in my hand and trying not to puke.

  3. I told my parents college was going well.

    It wasn’t. I had failed because of my depression.

    They found out eventually, and looking back I wish I hadn’t lied because I could have got help sooner, but I can’t change the past.

  4. I told my parents I was going through a little bout of depression but really it was a heartbreak.

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