I (21F) recently just started having sex for the first time with my bf (23M) and im pretty new to it all. during sex he tells ne things like “you’re my personal pocket pussy” ” i love using you” “ur just a cum dumpster” idk if im overthinking but are those comments a reflection of the way he actually feels towards me? is it a kink? or just normal dirty talk? do all guys say stuff like this?!

  1. Could be kink or legit disrespectful, but either way if you dont like you are well within your rights to tell him to knock it off

  2. Could just be his way of dirty talking. What you both need to do is sit down and talk about what you feel is appropriate and inappropriate when it comes to this… You have to set boundaries with what you feel comfortable with.

  3. It’s either a kink or he really doesn’t respect you *at all*.

    If it’s a kink, he should have discussed it with you before acting on it. Not all guys say stuff like that because not all guys are into that.

    You can and should bring it up to him and have a conversation about it.

  4. Alot of guys say stuff like this…

    However good men will make sure you enjoy it or are ok with it atleast. If you aren’t he shouldn’t be saying it. Speak up and tell him you don’t find it hot at all.

  5. From an adult male. This is degrading and could be the beginning of a controlling relationship. Be very careful, if he is willing to stop talking that way it is one thing. If not, get the hell out. Ask him to stop if the answer is no, see previous sentence.

  6. Could very well be a kink, but those kinds of things should be discussed with you. If you’re not the type that finds enjoyment in those things, it ruins the entire experience – and the proper aftercare is important too, to make sure you know he values and respects you…..otherwise those things can eat away at you.

    Soooo I wouldn’t say they’re “normal dirty talk” per say, but he may enjoy it. Have a chat with him, say what your comfortable and uncomfortable with….all that jazz.

  7. Sounds like he gets his dirty talk from bad porn. Have a talk about what you both like and don’t like to hear and say during sex.

  8. Kinks and preferences should always be discussed first. Shitty either way tbh.
    Tell him how it makes you feel. You have every right to dislike something and say no.

  9. It’s not unusual for people to talk like that during sex, and some women enjoy it- but it’s definitely perfectly reasonable to tell him that you don’t enjoy talk that degrades you. Some women enjoy being called Goddess during sex, some like being called a Dirty Whore. It’s not up to him to decide what you prefer.

  10. I’d say that unless he acts disrespectfully towards you outside the bedroom then either it’s a kink or he’s watched too much porn

  11. Unless he’s abusive, this is just a kink, really. But definitely talk to him and tell him your preferences instead of just taking it. If you’re not vocal, he may very well not know that you don’t enjoy it, people don’t read minds.

  12. Sounds like a degradation kink. If you don’t like it, you should tell him. There are plenty of ways to talk dirty that don’t involve this kink.

  13. If it doesn’t turn you on, have a conversation with him about it.

    Few (as a percentage) women actively like degradation like that, but the few who do really like it.

    If he really likes it, and you don’t mind, it makes the experience better for him. But if you see it actually carrying over to outside the bedroom, that’s a serious red flag.

  14. Usually dirty talk but that should be discussed beforehand, so talk to him about it

  15. I’m… Genuinely into it. I find it so arousing when my boyfriend says same shit. I’m not ever kidding.
    I think he has degradation kink and you just don’t. Only thing you can do that can help resolve situation – talk to him.

  16. There’s probably no way he is in a relationship with you if he felt that way. If you want it to be cleared up, it’s best that you talk to him about it and hear it from himself

  17. Eww. If this kink was not previously discussed it’s disgusting and worth discussing if it’s not your bag o dick’ …. penis person, cock wobbler, personal piston, pocket rocket, pussy patron…🙄

  18. Boundaries sis. If you don’t like it he needs to know asap, and he needs to stop.

    Even if it is just a kink, or dirty talk, or whatever, if it isn’t mutually appreciated it needs to not happen.

    It’s fine for you to say, “Please stop with your comments, I find them degrading and that doesn’t work for me.” .

    If he likes dirty talk, then maybe you can work together to find some filth you both enjoy and use that instead. ^_^

  19. he may have a degrading kink. but guess what? you don’t. I think it’s pretty weird for him to call you all that WITHOUT consulting and asking for consent beforehand

  20. Have a talk with him. He may have had past partners who loved it. If you havnt talked about stuff like kinks or boundries with him he might not know what you’re into so he might be testing the water. He could also just be rude.

  21. The key to any relationship is communication and mutual consent.

    It’s possible degrading talk is something he likes, but if you do not consent, he needs to stop.

    My recommendation would be to very clearly communicate that it makes you uncomfortable. If it does not stop, it’s probably time to move on.

  22. whatever it is, its weird for him to just do it without making sure you are into it. some guys like it, some guys think women like it. some women actually do like it but this kind of situation is why its really good to sit down with your partner and break down everything you are good with and everything you are not good with.

  23. Some people like it some dont, and if you dont make it known, if he refuses to respect that rehome the BF

  24. Why nobody is saying this: this is classic porn dirty talk. Tell him real women don’t usually like it.

  25. Cum dumpster😂😂 I’m sorry but that is neither sexy nor a way to frame your SO. Communication is always key.

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