I’ve never had sex while on my period but would like to try it at some point. I’ve heard it can be mind blowing but have always been afraid it would hurt. Is it worth it to try? Does it really feel good? How do I bring it up to my boyfriend that I want him while on my period? Did your significant other enjoy it?

  1. It can be messy but in my experience I’m always way sensitive during that time and it makes it that much better. If they are in to it then go forward. It’s a good conversation to have if you haven’t yet. Just to test the waters.

  2. It doesn’t hurt, and it’s good as any sex is. I usually give a warning but it’s never held back any of my partners.

    I don’t have cramps, but it can help with these.

  3. It’s worth a try. It’s so individual, some people love it, some people find it painful or uncomfortable. Try it out and listen to your body.

    Just ask “hey what are your general feelings on period sex?” And see what he says.

  4. I can give you the male perspective… It is still very pleasurable. It can feel a little different, but nothing bad and she still rocks my world. Most likely if you do what you do that typically turns him on, he will probably be down to go for it even while on your period.

    My wife finds it enjoyable as she initiates sex a lot, even on her period. I cannot say what her experience is, but she tells me verbally and physically that her body is responding well to sex.

    Main thing to keep in mind is clean-up as that is usually the hardest part to deal with. Shower sex is the easiest as you are getting clean while you are getting dirty. If she is light (starting/ending) we can get away with a towel on the bed and usually keep a hand towel nearby to wipe myself off. We typically use dark towels as even though neither of us are grossed out by it, you don’t necessarily want to see it on white towels.

  5. Why do you think it would hurt?

    We have period sex every month. He was the one who initially brought it up and he’s excited for it every month. I enjoy it a lot, but that’s true of all the different types of sex we have.. I wouldn’t describe it as any more mindblowing.

    How to bring it up: just ask him. Have you ever thought about period sex? Or would you be interested in trying period sex? Just casual conversation. It doesn’t have to be a big deal.

  6. My bf was actually the one that wanted to do it, he said he doesn’t mind the blood, so much so that he’s eaten out girls on their period. I guess I don’t usually have a super heavy flow, so it’s not that messy, might just want a towel for protection. When you’re on you’re period I’d just bring up that you wanna have sex, and mention you’re on your period. Doesn’t hurt at all, honestly just feels like typical sex.

  7. Orgasms are good for cramps. The blood in your vagina makes you super wet and men love this. Best to do it somewhere you can make a mess, shower?

    I’ve never suggested sex on my period, have to gauge the response from the man. However mostly they don’t seem to mind.

  8. Orgasms are good for cramps. The blood in your vagina makes you super wet and men love this. Best to do it somewhere you can make a mess, shower?

    I’ve never suggested sex on my period, have to gauge the response from the man. However mostly they don’t seem to mind.

  9. Yes. Definitely. It feels really good after some dry humping at first and since I’m someone who doesn’t like getting blood on the bed, I like continue in the shower. It’s so much better since my libido is definitely high during that period and all that foreplay before the actual sex is just amazing. You can bring it up to him when making out and then tell him you’re up for period sex if he is. Really easier if you’re both in the mood already.

  10. As good as any sex is, really. But it can be messy. Smartest solution would be the shower if your flow is heavy but if you don’t like shower sex you can also just do it on the floor if your floor allows it lmao. Or bent over some furniture so the blood goes on the floor. I don’t like shower sex lol.

  11. It depends on your flow.. for me day 1 and day 2 are a no go because I bleed heavy and get bad cramps and orgasms make it worse for me. But day 3-5 is very pleasurable for me. Just use a towel or take it in the shower 🙂

  12. It does not hurt. Can be messy, just use a towel, shower after, etc. It’s usually the guys who are squeamish.

    Source: am guy, never used to like it, now I don’t mind. It also helps her with the cramps.

  13. As a guy, the blood doesn’t bother me in the slightest, and assuming it’s sex with someone I have unprotected sex with, I’m going to be washing my dick off afterwards either way, the colors (or lack thereof) involved of what I’m washing off really don’t make any difference, lol.

    That said, if it’s a really heavy period it can feel different because it’s not as smooth as usual, and that can even be to the point of being slightly uncomfortable. Haven’t experimented with trying to using lube to see if that helps though, coming to think of it.

    But I’m definitely not put off by a period!

  14. I always have sex on my period because at this point I only date people who have no problem with it.

    It’s really no different from regular sex except that you may need/want to lay a towel down beforehand and the cervix area might be more sensitive to pain.

  15. It’s one of my favourite things to do, and my boyfriend absolutely loves it! It feels good for both of us, I usually have more intense orgasms. We just put a towel down 🙂

  16. We always have sex on my period and we like it so much. Idk but I feel it even more intense than normal sex 🙂

  17. Some people are more vulnerable to infections during that time, so make him clean up properly at least!

  18. Like a guy told me told me once, “ if I can walk through mud, I can fuck through blood.”
    Good enough for me.

  19. For me it feels Great. Can also help with period cramps and can shorten the period by promoting the separation of the uterine lining from the uterine wall 😏 so its a win win

  20. It doesn’t hurt. We usually just do it in the shower when I’m on my period that way we don’t even notice the blood.
    Also orgasms make my cramps go away:)

  21. I’ve had minor cramps afterward sometimes, but orgasms actually help my cramps so it’s a 50/50 situation.

    I love period sex, breasts are bigger and more sensitive, hornier, it’s not for everyone but it’s great for me

  22. It depends on the person and their SO. If your SO is willing, I’d give it a try towards the end of your period to start when things are much lighter and not as messy. I personally love how it helps with cramps and headaches. Once I got over my aversion, I really enjoy it. Sometimes at the very beginning the thought of sex is like “don’t touch, come near, leave me alone to curl up and die” 🤣 but by day 2 or 3 I’m typically not as bad and then super horny. You don’t know how it will be for YOU until you try it!

  23. idk im with the same guy I’ve always been with and its just one of those things that’s fine. sometimes its greats, sometimes its too much blood, or it dries and it’s kind of weird. i ejoy it but for me its no different than normal sex but some things is gross sometimes is the “smell” mixed with like the scent of a pad or a tampon (you know the one) sometimes that’s gross. and too bloody can be a bit distracting by why go a week without sex if you don’t have to?

  24. A little preparation goes a long way. A period doesn’t stop anything but a sentence. I enjoy period sex even when I have a heavy flow. Have toilet roll near you. Put a towel down and make sure you have a mattress protector too. If you do get blood on your bedding, it is not the end of the world. Get it while it is fresh: get a clean cloth and wet it with cold water and then just keep dabbing the stain until it is gone. It will be gone in a few seconds. Orgasms are great for cramps!

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