I have been best friends with this girl for a few years now, we originally met at university but then I moved out of the country to go study in another one. During this time we became super close on texts and video calls. I recently moved back but to the next city over. We have been meeting up when our schedules allowed it. We have always been open with each other about sex lives/previous dating and stuff like that. She stayed at my house one time and we cuddled and fell asleep together and she has fallen asleep cuddling me or against me a lot. Recently because of all this I started to get feelings for her more than just a friend, I realised I really care for her and want to be around her all the time and to make her happy. We have always kinda known each other as best friends and never really looked into more due to the distance. In the past couple of weeks she has started doing things and I’m not sure if she is starting to feel the same way as me but we are both too scared to ruin the friendship. She keeps sending relationship kinda memes and things, the other day on her instagram story she posted a clip and very specific song lyrics about reciprocated feelings. She has also done stuff that seems like it might be to make me jealous and to try to push me into making a move. Not sure what I should do?

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