I (21F) have a decent amount of anxiety when dating. Im worried that I’m reading into things too much or not enough.

I’ve been dating a new guy (21M) and we’ve been on 4 (very long) dates. We have a plan to go to a concert (that we both bought tickets for) this upcoming Friday.

The thing is, he hasn’t texted me since this past friday, and he’s been snap chatting me less and less. He went from snapping me every hour or 2 to once a day.

I haven’t seen him for a week and a half (granted we mostly hung out during spring break), and before we were going on dates every few days. Here are my questions:

1) is this a sign of disinterest?

2) should I text him about the concert before friday? Or should I let him reach out/not reach out to see if he does.

3) is less communication normal if you haven’t seen each other for a bit?

4) what are the major signs of disinterest?

5) does anyone have any tips about managing anxiety when dating?

  1. I second all of this, please give me answers. She didn’t text me for three days, I guess she was having a tough time but I am dying over here.

  2. Here’s how I would handle it: text him to confirm the plans on Friday. If he doesn’t text back within 24 hours and doesn’t have a good reason for the delayed response, move along. Life’s too short to invest in half ass fickle people.

  3. I’m sorry sweetie. Time to read the book “He’s just not that into you.”

  4. After 1-2 dates it would be ok. But after 4 dates… he is prob not interested in moving things forward. Would you want a BF who only texted you every 4-5 days? However if your last txt was you both confirming the plans then cut him some slack.

  5. I mean, I’ve gone longer just getting caught up in life.. but if you’re THAT worried message me. I’ll be willing to keep you occupied for a while (less creepy than that sounds, I just get fucking bored throughout my days)

  6. Haha, that guy could be me.

    Look, some people are just not big texters. I can go without texting my best friend for weeks.

    If the guy spent 4 long dates with you and is planning more, he likely is into you. He may be thinking about you every day. Just doesn’t text you because he isn’t a texter. Figures he will talk to you face to face when you meet up.

    First you should text him. And then you should say to him you like it when he texts you through the day and to do it more.

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