My FWB birthday is today . His birthday started at midnight . At around 1:25 am he was calling and blowing my phone up. I answered and he said “well thanks for telling me happy birthday”

And i said “the day just started i have all day to tell you happy birthday” and he hung up the phone

TL:DR; why was he upset and worried about a simple happy birthday wish

  1. He’s demanding and unreasonable, but you’ve already posted many times about this and people keep telling you the same thing.

  2. Seems like you didn’t discuss the “with benefits” part. Maybe you should sit down and negotiate said benefits in a contractual agreement so you can negotiate a “birthday calls” clause.

  3. What response are you wanting that you didn’t get the previous 5 times you posted this? If you could tell us what to say, we could say it & you wouldn’t have to keep spamming your post.

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