If the opposite gender wakes up as a man for a day, what would you suggest them to do in terms of fun or a really good experience?

  1. Walk around the house naked, doing the helicopter, while drinking a can of beer with your other hand while at the same time singing oppan gangnam style.

  2. Go to a neighborhood barbecue, stand (not sit) around with other dads drinking a beer and talk about the impending college football season and which concerts you’d like still like to see, while listening to a music playlist that one of them made, of which that they are way too proud.

  3. Mow the lawn. Tell everyone the rain forecast. Change the oil on your car. Chop some wood. Go out in public and have people be mad at you for being a man.

  4. Get on Tinder and see what a terrible experience men have. Even if you’re a Chad, it’s a polar opposite experience than what a woman experiences.

  5. I’m female – thank you all for the great laughs. I think I’d touch myself for the day if I woke up as a man! That and maybe go to the gym !!

  6. Only things I can think of which would be particularly different is playing with your dick and go the gym or do some exercise that requires more strength, otherwise everything will be similar or worse experiences. You could try hooking up with a girl but unless you have a friend who is down then your probably going to struggle in a day.

  7. In addition to the obvious (wank, fuck, pissing for distance and accuracy), I would recommend going to the gym and getting in the sauna. Experience balls at their dangliest. While they’re all dangly, do some kegels and feel them contract up and them relax back. I imagine it would be weird and fun for someone who’s been a woman all their life. Then jump in a cold pool and feel them try to crawl back into your pelvis.

  8. Others have stated a lot of the obvious, so I’ll go outside the box for a sec.

    Go to the gym and start lifting some heavy things. Feel good and be amazed at the big strength discrepancy.

    I remember the time that my ex-girlfriend had asked me not to hold back when we were play wrestling, and how shocked she was when I was able to basically pin her down at will. She was a college athlete and in great shape, and as a little teaser she would kinda wrestle with me a bit; I’ve always let her win and have her ways now and then. But i couldn’t believe at how shocked she was when she found out how easy it was when I wanted to pin her.

  9. Definitely have to pee standing up. Pee outside, you know, water the bushes.

  10. – get a blow job. Even a bad one would suffice.

    – go for a long run around, jump and touch high things, go to the gym and see what it’s like to lift heavy shit. Maybe generally go and break stuff with a sledge hammer. I think a lot of women would be shocked and pleased to find just how much stronger men are in general. I think it would be fun to experience.

    – jerk off and see how quickly you can get to finish. This might be an amazing experience for a woman who takes a long time.

  11. Do the obvious shit like think about nothing and helicopter

    But also find a good stick, throw a cool rock into a lake, and most importantly, tie something down in a trailer, then slap the tailgate and say “that’s not going anywhere”

    Edit- holy shit thanks for the awards!

  12. Hang out with the boys. Totally careless friendships are the best thing about being male.

  13. I see all the fun ones have been suggested so sorry to bring it down a bit but, bring your kids to the park. Its a crazy experience to have all the mothers look at you weird because your at a playground. Sometimes you’ll get the bonus comments of “oh your babysitting today”. No bitch they’re my kids I’m parenting.

    One for fun I’d recommend that I haven’t seen here yet;

    Chop some wood. Nothing quite like the powerful feeling of splitting a big ass log.

  14. Get a hair cut at a barber shop. If it has a chess board in it, even better. But none of those franchise barbers. It needs to be a place named “barber shop” or “Hair cuts” with the spinning thing.

    Tell em you’re new in town and youre looking for a fresh cut

    Thank me later.

  15. I’m a female with a vagina. I would have to say, if I suddenly had a Dick, I would masterbate all day long. I’ve always wanted to know what it feels like for men

  16. Go out in public and ask for help, or fall down, or even just walk around.

    See how little people care or come to your aid. It can be a lonesome existence for a lot of men, you’re simply not valued by society unless you can “prove” your value (mostly).

  17. Honestly? Nothing sexual or deviant. If a women woke in my body? I would legitimately tell them to experience 2 things. 1. The vast enormity of my appetite, seriously go HAM and eat it all my body can take it. And 2. Go experience the sheer pride of my strength. I am a big guy, worked a long time to be as strong as an ox. I lift cars for show. I want more people to know what they’re capable of in that regard.

  18. everyone is saying jerk off, but you really need to see how good a vagina feels too 🙂

  19. So sorta similar vein of questioning. I asked a female friend of mine what would be the first thing she did and she said walk outside alone at night without worrying/stressing… ngl it had me stumped for a good bit

  20. Thanks to knowing some transfolk I’m prepared for this.

    Try to cry. Watch the sappiest movie. Listen to that one song that you shared with that one person that wrecked your heart. It’s shockingly more difficult now. I thought that was a cultural thing.

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