Hi, just curious here. I’ve never smoken weed but I’m curious. Do you get addicted quickly?

  1. Nope. I’m a daily user because I have full-body chronic pain and some other chronic symptoms that it helps with. It’s made me functional at times.

  2. Uh, i regrettedit, but that’s because it sent me to the hospital in anaphylactic shock.My mother always told me i was probably allergic and i thought she was just saying that to make me not smoke. Nope.

  3. It’s not as harmful as it was made out to be in the hippie era. It was a smear campaign. It’s a blissful high with no hangover.

  4. No. I started when I was 25 & never looked back. Weed has literally saved my life on a number of occasions when my brain needed a break from hurting but was looking for that break in deadly ways, weed was there to quiet the storm. I love weed & will always smoke.

  5. I regretted letting it become a daily habit. I am happy it’s now something I do with friends a few times a month.

  6. Nope not at all. It does a better job as a sleep aid for me. If it also contains CBD i seem to focus more.

  7. So overall I enjoy smoking but there are specific times that I regret it. I regret it whenever I allow myself to binge eat because of the munchies. It also tends to make me groggy in the morning if I smoke before bed, but if I smoke too early in the day nothing gets done. Basically as long as I time it correctly and have self control I’m good.

  8. No regrets!

    Weed is less addictive to alcohol. Dont get me wrong, you can abuse it, but that’s true about a lot of things. In terms of chemical dependency, weed is fine.

    I started smoking in my early 30s and it’s the tits. I’m glad I didn’t start earlier in life, because I would have wasted more time when I should have been studying. But once I was out of school and had a couple years under my belt in my career, I found I loved it.

  9. When I’m sober no, when I feel like I’m about to green I pray to Jesus and tell him I’ll never smoke again

  10. I did but only because it doesn’t work right for me. Every time I have ever smoked it or had an edible, no matter how small the dose, I do not relax & get high. I get super nervous, panicky, paranoid, shaky. I had a panic attack the last time & decided to not try again. I’m really bummed too because I think it could be so helpful with my chronic back pain

  11. I didn’t smoke weed regularly until my late twenties. I didn’t start for a specific reason, my (now ex) husband started buying it, so it was around all the time (he encouraged me to use it). It felt good to relax, laugh, get out of my head. It made me a better mom TBH.

    That was a decade ago and I’ve never developed an addiction, even when I was smoking daily.

  12. Nope. It’s fun, I’ve never had any kind of issue with using too frequently or experiencing negative symptoms, and it is a nice way to bond with others. It’s great, actually I kind of regret I smoke it so rarely.

  13. not in the slightest.

    i don’t really get high or anything. weed just slows down my brain to a comfortable pace. suddenly, i can manage to hold conversations, follow a train of thought and somewhat keep my focus.

  14. Nope! I take “T” breaks (THC) every now and then to decrease my tolerance but overall it’s basically medicine and makes a lot of boring and mundane tasks like chores a bit more enjoyable.

  15. I smoked quite a bit as a teenager then stopped in my early 20s. I didn’t regret it. Why? Well nothing bad happened, there was nothing to regret. It was just like anything else I lost interest in. The activities you like to do often change naturally over time and that’s about as much as there is to me not getting high as an adult

  16. I do edibles and make some killer cookies. I have asthma so smoking anything is a big No no. I usually have a cookie about an hour before I plan on going to bed. Weed is also very good for pain control(I have polyinflammatory arthritis).

  17. I used to smoke everyday. Wake and bake and all. I had stopped cause I had left my ex and I am now back at my mom’s cause she does not like weed. Obviously I don’t regret it, I miss it dearly! 😩 but I did needed a break lol

  18. So I don’t regret experimenting with weed and I have had some truly incredible and fun memories with friends involving weed. I don’t think weed itself is bad and it is a pretty innocent drug as a whole.

    I come from a traumatic childhood with tons of addiction in my family, so it was only a matter of time before I became addicted to it. People say you can’t become physically addicted to marijuana but oh boy, let me tell you. I had to smoke every few hours to feel “normal” and the amount I needed to smoke kept increasing. I tried to take tolerance breaks and it became unbearable. I was definitely masking underlying mental health issues and I was trying to cope by self medicating but it was NOT the right course of action for me personally. I get that people use it medicinally and are able to control it but that was not my story.

    I lost a lot of myself to smoking. This lasted about 5-6 years of my life until I finally sought treatment for other issues that were just compounding. Once I quit, I noticed how I was missing out on so many normal parts of life. I had stopped dreaming (literally and figuratively), stopped processing my emotions, stopped moving forward with my goals, basically I had stopped growing and progressing. AGAIN, this isn’t everyone’s experience, just mine. It was a lot to come out of.

    I absolutely love my sober mind and I would never, ever go back to what I was doing before. I was not a better person while I was smoking. So I don’t regret starting, I regret not stopping when it obviously became a problem. I will definitely warn my child and hopefully be a cautionary tale for him.

  19. I love weed I just have to make myself have self control (i.e. not eating everything in sight when I get the munchies, not smoking when I have things to do)

  20. Gosh no, I regret not getting into the habit sooner!

    It’s not addictive at all, I mainly use cannabis for helping with anxiety and insomnia. I also use it recreationally, although that arguably is also for treating anxiety haha.

    It was also the best pain medication when I had a herniated disc, especially not having to worry about all the side effects and addictiveness of opioid pain killers!

    Where did you hear that weed is addictive though? It has zero physiological addiction. People *can* become addicted to doing weed but it’s the same as a porn addiction or video game addiction. The thing itself does not cause a chemical addiction, it’s an escape from reality and that is the addictive part. Cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, those are actually chemically addictive and alter your physiology to depend on them. Cannabis is no more addictive than reading books.

  21. I do regret it. I started when I still dated my ex, mostly because I wanted to try something new and because she did it and I wanted to feel included. I regret it now because it was something I didn’t approve of, even when I had already smoked once or twice. I wish I had never done it.

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