My primary love language is touch and due to that I often feel just craving NONSEXUAL touch. Thats hard to get outside of a romantic relationship. So im wanting some ways to help with that so I stop getting overwhelmed by unintentionally touch and the lack of touch.

  1. Honestly, a weighted blanket, or a heated blanket. Not both. It’s a fire hazard.

  2. This is another reason why sex work should be legalized and all the moralists need to STFU.

    Edit: many people have indeed hired sex workers just for someone to cuddle.

  3. Three breath hug. TBH

    When asking for a friendly, non sexual hug, ask for a three breath hug.

    You’ll likely get a “what’s that?”

    Explain that you both hold a hug for three shared breaths.

    9/10 times you’ll get a “sure”, and at the end they’ll say “oh, that was nice!”.

    It’s a conversation starter, it has consent, and it lasts long enough for both of you to get the happy brain chemistry (can cite science, but I’m too lazy to Google). And nobody does the flappy penguin when the hug lasts creepy long.

    And normalize hugging guys for three breaths as well.

    Also, check out cuddle parties.

  4. I went to my family and had them buy me a big stuffed Star Wars character. I now hug that when I want familial touch.

  5. I have been with my wife for 16 years and married for 9. This is an issue I bring up regularly. I honestly don’t think it occurs to anyone in society that men crave touching too. I will sometimes sit and run my own fingers through my hair for an hour, so I can feel like I’m being touched. I love my wife immensely, and we are incredibly busy, we both work shift work, and we have a family and pets. It’s hard to find time to be intimate let alone time for showing affection. I miss being touched though.

  6. I completely get this. My love language is physical touch as well, and I’m starving for this as well: just touching my arms, my hands, my back…. ANYTHING would better than nothing 🙄🙄🙄 I hope you find what you need, OP.

  7. My love language is physical touch too but my partner doesn’t like the smothering most of the time. Normally I’m the one always asking for hugs. I know they like to cuddle but they’re like a cat. When they’re done, they’re done.

  8. Currently can’t deal with it. I’ve always been in very huggy friends groups, groups that are very generous with physical touch but I don’t really have that right now. Cat is more of a “sit down between 5 and 3 feet of you”. It’s pretty brutal, someone gives me as well quick hug and I try not to mentally become instantly attached to them lol

  9. wash down a xanax bar with a can of faxe 10 and jerk it with a belt fastened around my neck

  10. I take dance classes and go to socials, touching other people is a nice perk of it.

  11. I hugged an acquaintance and he said it was the first time he touched anyone in a year. Do you have friends you can get hugs from?

  12. See if you can volunteer at an animal shelter and can pet the dogs and cats. Also a weighted blanket is great!

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