No judgment at all

  1. 3.9something. I got all A’s basically all of high school with the exception of math classes, which I usually got B’s or C’s in.

  2. lol that was like… more than 15 years ago. No idea! It was above 4 because I took a bunch of AP classes and got As in most of them, but I couldn’t tell you the exact number. Don’t remember my college GPA either.

  3. I don’t remember. It wasn’t that great I don’t think. I wanna say like a 2.8 or something.

  4. High school: 3.9 (unweighted because I’m old and they didn’t do weighted GPAs in the stone age)

    College: I graduated. We’ll leave it at that. But I have some great stories!

  5. I honestly don’t remember. I just remember my class rank (25th out of 600). Coming from an Asian family, that was considered disappointing. I ended up in university and later finished medical school.

  6. 3.6 was my GPA for highschool, math always got my GPA down. Can’t stand math lol. It’s like a foreign language to me. College, well, I never finished cause life happens & Im a stay at home mom now lol. Though I am planning to return, maybe. If I can handle my procrastination lol 😂

  7. Under 2.0, thanks to transferring schools mid semester several times and struggling to keep up. Graduated college with 3+ though so it worked out.

  8. 3.64 iirc. I always had a problem where I’d largely ignore classes that didn’t interest me. So I had straight As in math, physics, English, history, etc. And then I had Bs in biology, health, business law, etc. If I had been able to muster any interest at all in those classes, I would have had a 4.0 or better.

  9. 3.9-ish. I don’t remember the exact number.

    My state, at the time, had a really amazing state-sponsored scholarship program where your college bills were 100% paid for if you graduated HS with above a 3.8 GPA.

    My mom had made it very clear that she wasn’t going to pay a nickel for my college, so getting that scholarship was essential.

  10. 1.8

    Probably would have been higher if honors and AP classes scored extra points back then like they do now.

  11. A little over 4; I don’t remember exactly. I think I had a B and maybe even a C+ but also had enough weighted classes to bring my average to more than 4.

  12. It was 47 years ago and I have no clue. It was good enough to get me into college.

  13. I don’t remember. It’s been way too long since high school and beyond college applications, no one cared about my grades. My school didn’t use a 4.0 scale either, our grades ranged from 60 – 100.

  14. 4.2, thanks to AP Classes I took in senior year. Nevertheless, I ranked only about 12th in the class—there were some nerds who were much smarter than me. One is a doctor now. Me, I’m on Reddit.

  15. 3.8
    Because I have a pre cal teacher who HATED me and told me if I didn’t come to class and worked on the year book in another teachers room he’d pass me. It was a small private school. I got an A.

  16. 3.6 Didn’t have weighted GPA back in my day, if there was I’d have done better. I took advanced math and advanced English classes and did ok. Also less beer and sex would have helped that GPA too.

  17. 3.3ish. College? Let’s not talk about it. Slight rebound in law school though.

  18. 3.3. No one told me that an 87 counted as 3.0 and not 3.7, so I spent all of high school making high B’s thinking I was getting a really good GPA. No one ever told me or showed me my GPA, so imagine my surprise when I got to fall of my senior year and started applying to colleges and realizing my GPA was barely a 3.0. I got it up to 3.3 by the end of the year so it wasn’t too embarrassing but goddamn… you’d think they could have explained it a little sooner.

  19. ayo d’s get degrees here but in reality I went to a school where it was very … everyone was smart I was average. At a normal hs it woulda been a 3.8 I had a 3.35 , I knew things my friends learned 2 years into college – geological location matters in regard to the material given

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