When you ask someone for a favor that needs to be done in a specific time frame, if that person is non responsive, is taking matters into your own hand and getting upset over it an issue? I just had this problem with my bf. He did not wake up after multiple attempts of waking him up. I saw he was not going to be able to do so and told him i’d take an uber. I also made a comment “that i was expecting this”. He said i needed to be patient because i’m asking him for a favor. Is it rude of me to do so?

  1. A favor is a kindness. Make sure any expectations you have are expressed when you’re asking. If it’s important, then don’t rely upon the kindness of others.

  2. The double edged sword. On one side yes if someone gave you there word that they would do the favor. Then it should be done in a timely manner. On the other hand it’s a favor he’s doing it out the kindness of his hear with no benefits. I believe it more so comes down to the person then a general rule

  3. Ugh. Sucks. If someone says he’s gonna do something and doesn’t , then that’s on him. Although there’s nothing productive from being snarky about it as good as that may feel. He either can do the favor or he can’t according to the requirements. The entreaty to be patient because it’s a favor is bullshit.

    Say you need him to pick your mom up from the airport at 5pm. Does that mean he can just slide in at 9pm? Unless that’s the agreed time, then of course not. And if he can’t make it around 5pm then he has to say he can’t do it.

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