So the the girl i like lets just say her name is kim so kim likes me back and for the past 2 days all i can think about is her today i was playing a video game then i got a text so i left the game to text back thinking it was kim it wasnt kim and i cant sleep without thinking about kim and there only 2 things i can think of doing

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  1. I feel u my man. Maybe u shld try asking her out but go wif the flow of her response

  2. Ask her out dude, clearly you are crushing hard, worst she can do is reject you mean spiritedly and then gossip about it, but that shouldn’t be a reason not to do it

  3. ask her out. If you don’t, you could waste a lot of time wondering what might have been.

    If she says no, now you know to find someone else and don’t waste time on someone who rejected you.

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