I feel lost I’m 19 years old and I want to be a functional adult. I don’t have a job and I know that’s important but I feel like I may lack of other things that are important too.

  1. Basic cooking and cleaning skills are good to know. If you can live alone in a clean home and eat home cooked food, you are ahead of a lot of people.

  2. Dont try pressing the fast foward button too much kiddo. U have the best years of your life to live. Part of being an adult is remembering what it was like being young.

  3. * Cooking. A few basic meals is fine. Unless it’s your passion, you don’t need to be a gourmet chef.

    * Hygiene. Be clean, brush your teeth (and your tongue!), wear deodorant, wash your ass.

    * Cleaning. Your home can be dead basic, but keep it clean.

    * Dressing. You don’t need to be a fashion model. Find something that’s comfortable for you. Don’t be afraid to try new styles. If you like it, rock it.

    * Social interaction. Learn how to have conversations with other people. The easiest way to do this is to ask them about themselves. People generally love to talk about themselves.

    * Gainful employment. Try to find a direction. Something with prospects, something you can think you can tolerate. Don’t worry about being good at it, yet. Don’t be afraid you’re not talented enough for it. Everyone is bad at something they just started doing.

    * Exercise. Try to find something that gets your body moving that you think you can keep doing. It can be anything. Walking is fine. Just do it consistently. Don’t waste your money on expensive equipment or gym memberships.

    * Passion. Find something you enjoy and want to become better at. Any hobby, interest, whatever. Pickup basketball, train models, movie critiques, writing, skydiving, painting, gardening, weightlifting, surfing, reading. Whatever makes you think, “This is interesting. I want to do more of it. I want to be better at it. I want people to ask me for advice on this.” You’ll suck at it at first. Being bad at something is the first step to being good at it. Try things; don’t be afraid.

    * Relationships and family. Start thinking about who you want to be and how you see your life. What kind of partner do you want? What kind of partner do you want to be? Kids? Childfree? Anything goes, but start picturing how things could be. What feels right?

    There are subreddits for every one of these where you can seek more in-depth advice.

    Good luck. You’re going to fuck up every one of these. Everyone does. Don’t get discouraged. Every mistake is something new you’ve learned. About yourself, if nothing else.

    You got this.

  4. Not seeing financial literacy or budgeting on here yet so I suggest that – learn about money. Do it while you’re young. Don’t be dumb like me.

  5. Eat right and maintain an excercise regimen, even if it’s fairly minor or easy.

    I’m a 36 y/o web developer and I’m falling apart. I’m not fat, but just muscles and joints break down so much faster when they aren’t being used.

  6. Discover what you enjoy. Find a mentor for that. Historically, parents/family members are supposed to fill that role until you attend school/university/work or job. Learning how to communicate well is a HUGE plus. When you fail, keep practicing until you succeed. Research everything you doubt; doubt everything. Live as cheaply as possible in order to reach your financial goals. Cut your own hair. Cook your own meals. Do all the things.

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