Hi there, I’m asking for any advice on what to do for this. I split up with my girlfriend around a month ago like a week before we went on our university exchange because after having been together for more than a year I’d grown fed up of the arguments we had. However, now we live in the same place and are on the same course with a small number of international students in that course. As a result, we’re together every day. It’s been around a month we’ve been away and it’s kind of been a weird limbo as we’ve spent time together and even slept together (literally just sleeping nothing else) but now we’ve decided we shouldn’t do any of that anymore and I feel destroyed. I wish we could be together without arguing every day but I’m scared to try out here because I need to make friends and make the most out of being abroad in a beautiful country. I feel we both need to completely cut ties but that isn’t possible as we even have the same friendship group back at home. It feels like one big mess and I just want to be with her but I also don’t want to feel withdrawn and tired like I was before from arguing. Does anyone have any advice on how to move on?

Tl;dr. How do I move on and is moving on even right.

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