I normally see ads on Craigslist offering free or cheap rent for a female roommate. I wonder if anyone has ever responded to one and what happened afterwards.

  1. I didn’t, but a friend who was way too bored decided to check it out, she already had a house but she wanted to know first hand. When she arrived it was run down, it looked like a “crack house” according to her, she didn‘t go in and bailed, she was definitely going to get jumped the second she entered. I hate to think of what would have happened if she didn’t wisen up and leave..

  2. My old roommate responded to one because we were curious wtf was wrong with the guy.

    The post said the house was near two of the more expensive neighborhoods in our city but in the email he said he lived outside the city, by like 30+ minutes, in an area with nothing but Walmart and heroin.

    He also said he wanted his human sex doll to pay utilities… In an area where rent for one bedroom couldn’t have been over $500/month… So if he actually found someone, she didn’t get too great a deal.

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