throwaway cuz this is embarrassing

i got out of a 2 year relationship a little over a year ago and i’ve been wanting to start looking again. however, i haven’t had much luck.

i’m not ugly, i’ve been told i’m very attractive and have a good personality. problem is, i’m very shy. i could never make the first move. the only reason i got with my ex was because he found out from a friend that i thought he was cute, then he made the first move.

btw looks aren’t too important for me, what’s more important is that we’re compatible, has confidence, have the same interests, and he cares about his education and himself.

i’m not interested in anyone at school (at least no one i’ve met), whenever a cute guy walks into work i wish he would ask me for my number but it never happens. i don’t know what i’m doing wrong? my guy friends say i shouldn’t have any trouble getting a boyfriend since i’m pretty but it’s not as easy as they think.

any advice would be appreciated

(also i am female)

1 comment
  1. Try subtle flirting with the ones you like. You cant expect to find love if you dont work for it first.

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