I’ve been wanting to start boxing for roughly 2-3 years now mainly for that confidence boost and personal achievement instead of being a lazy couch potato who watches programs all day, still haven’t gotten myself to the gym to get on with it though so it would be nice to hear people’s stories here and if it’s worth trying out and getting into.

  1. A lot of cities have local boxing gyms you can go to.

    Helped me being small & bullies liked picking on…they didn’t like picking on me once I started throwing punches.

  2. Decided to start because I was interested. Found a dojo nearby and started beating up the air. Learning to hone technique became really enjoyable; there is always room for improvement, so it inherently can drive you to do better.

  3. Kept driving by a boxing gym and wanted to give it a try. Didn’t set the world on fire, didn’t suck. Was just solid and in the middle of the pack. And that was all I really wanted, if I ever had to defend myself or my lady with my fists that I wouldn’t make an ass of myself and look like a weakling. Lose her respect as a man. The guys were great to be around and train with too.

  4. If you want to do it, just go and do it. You don’t need any reason beyond that. I’m 10 years into martial arts, and it’s all because I just went and did it one day.

  5. I grew up in the martial arts. Only physical activity I’ve ever enjoyed for its own sake.

  6. None I just enjoy fighting and the rush it gives me.But knowing how to defend yourself is never a bad idea.

  7. I was a little fucker of a child and needed an outlet for my anger. My mother thought that putting me into martial arts would be a good outlet for that and teach me some discipline. I started at 6, it’s been 3 decades now and I’ve managed to turn it into my career.

  8. Took my kid when he was eight to a dojo to help him deal with bullies. I decided since I was there to start training too. Then my wife joined. 14 years later I am still a white belt..

  9. My dad taught me how to throw a punch before I could even walk. Iain got no choice.

  10. I got into it by boredom and taking my ex girlfriend’s advice. I did it because I was bored and wanted to lose a little weight.

  11. I have been doing all kinds of sports for the past ten years. A few months ago I just decided that I wanted to get into boxing and I rolled into it. Out of all sports that I’ve done in my life, there is not one that is as exhausting and rewarding as boxing for me.

  12. Always wanted to as a kid and started between 5th and 6th grade. Pushing 40 now and still loving it – great for my health (physical and mental), and most of the folks I’ve met through it are really great people to know.

  13. I have done martial arts for 4 years now. I got into it for my health, my wife got me into it, she started it first. Bonus is the next time some random person attacks me, I can fuck then up.

  14. I joined a boxing class because my boss recommended it.

    I do it because it’s fun and it forces me to work out a bunch of muscles I usually miss on my normal workouts.

  15. Had a buddy invite me to open mat at BJJ and been hooked since 2019. There’s no other way than to just show up and keep going. With anything I assume.

  16. Eh you knows when I started out in Philly I didn’t have a lot it was hard times and just me and Mick for most of it until things started to turn around for me

  17. Someone almost murdered my dad in the street when I was 6…we now LIVE on that same street.

    Besides, I needed something to stay fit during lockdown and dont like team sports.

  18. Bullying, pretty much… although I must say I became a really good martial artist and it became part of my life

  19. I got into kickboxing because no other sports really interested me when I was a kid. Ended up stopping once I graduated college because I was poor and didn’t have any time.

    I have a bag and practice every so often but I’m way more into climbing now.

  20. I grew up watching A LOT of Power Rangers/Ninja Turtles/Bruce Lee along with playing a lot of Street Fighter and Tekken. Idk how else to explain it but it just struck a chord with me and caught on. Been outta practice lately but I wanna start up again real soon.

  21. Get off your a$$ and do it. I wasted my time doing strip-mall belt factory for years and got a very dark belt for my PJs. Had a falling out (like everyone seems to eventually) quit and started full-contact kickboxing at the MMA gym.

    Best martial arts experience of my life. I even got to compete in an amateur tournament.

    On your list of martial arts I would say do BJJ over all else. You can go full tilt in training and you are truly dangerous after six months or so. It would give you a huge confidence boost.

  22. The gym I go to added a separate boxing gym inside of it. Always thought about joing one and since it was in the gym I already go to I figured it was worth a shot 1.5 years later still going at it.

  23. I’m in a fan of mma and like to watch sometime but I find the ground game aspect of it boring but love the striking part and a lot of Muay Thai-is part of that so I found a gym near me and signed up for a trial and was hooked Have now been doing muay Thai for 2 years it’s the art of 8 limbs so you learn a lot of punches kicks knees and elbows and it’s a killer workout

  24. I’d like to tell you an uplifting story about why. But honestly I tagged along with my college roommate one day and thought it was super fun.

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