I will start by saying that during the pandemic I got a little more curvy. Basically because I was having too much McDonald’s delivered and not hitting the gym. I gained 15 kgs but even then I liked the way my body looked like because everything was in the right places, I just had a tummy that bothered me and my waist got thicker.

We went on a family trip to the beach and my mom was constantly commenting on my body until the next event happened: she was taking a pic of me on a bodycon dress and made me cry by telling me “Let me take a picture of you, anyway nobody will look your way” (I have very low self-esteem and therefore am very self-conscious so I didn’t want people to look my way while taking a picture).

Later on I started going to the gym again and now I feel waaaay more confident about my body. I lost 5 kgs and gained some muscle, specially on the glutes. The thing is I live in a hot city in Mexico so I wear crop tops or tight dresses(nothing too tacky) most of the time.

But now that I feel this way, my mom keeps making passive-agressive comments like “suck the tummy in” or “pull the pants a little bit higher” (for high-waisted pants/jeans), or “don’t you have any shapewear?”. This drives me nuts, because it triggers my insecurities and makes me wanna look on the mirror and find flaws. So I usually just answer loudly with something in the lines of “I am not doing that! I have already told you I like how I look and I feel confident about my looks atm”.

So people of Reddit, I come to you to help me deal with this situation in the best way possible. I love my mom, like she is the absolute best in everything else, and I think she might have a body dysmorphia disorder herself (she is always saying she is overweight when she has a healthy weight and a slim shape). This being said, I don’t want to hurt her in any way but I want to set my boundaries. How would you guys deal with it?

tl;dr: Mom keeps making comments on my body even I have asked her to stop and told how I finally feel comfortable in my body.

  1. Stop giving her ANY kind of reaction to those comments. Change the topic, leave the room, whatever- don’t react. If you stop giving her comments energy, she’ll stop when she learns she doesn’t accomplish any reaction

  2. She is not concerend about your health at all, just the looks. Say something in a stern voice “your being rude” and start it off with her first name, a good parent won’t make fun of their child looks.

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