What is the most “feminine urge” urge according to you?

  1. The urge to want a short hairstyle when you see another girl rock it, and you yourself have long hair.

    This works the other way too i.e. wanting long hair again when you see another woman with beautiful long hair and you happen to be in a short hair phase.

  2. Buying a millenial pink/nude item that I don’t need….

    Dye-ing your hair at 2am, regret it after wash, adding bangs to make it better, regret it when you wake up cause its all over the place

  3. Protective nature towards my younger siblings/cousins, also the urge to want to hold every baby I see 😟🤦‍♀️

  4. to spray my bed sheets and pillows with my favorite body mist because it smells too good and simply makes me feel better after a bad day😌 that’s what i call self care

  5. The urge to be scared/anxious until you need to be strong for someone else, in which case you face the challenge with (fake) bravery and make everything seem okay.

  6. To prepare rose tea/jasmine tea , play good music, light scented candles and fairy lights – just for my Skincare routine, every night.

    It should take me max 15 mins to do it; but due to “Skincare rituals” ; I take minimum 1 hour every night, before bed.

  7. Going to a washroom ASAP to check when you feel the slightest bit of moisture in your crotch, especially when you know it’s around “that” time

  8. Trying to sing at the nearby animals so they will do the house work. Seriously where is my group of birds, deer, and rabbits to do the laundry? Why do Disney princess get all the animal maids?

  9. Pretend you don’t have a clue on a subject matter you’re an expert in, and let a mansplainer make an absolute fool of himself.

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