What was the last straw for you in your relationship?

  1. Found a receipt for expensive lingerie she bought for a “work” trip with her male friend.

  2. When she dumped me for like the 8th time because she was upset at me when just two days ago I had said ‘ I am serious. If you keep dumping me every time everything upsets you, I won’t get back together with you.’

    She gets mad and says ‘ You’re single, G_Man’. She lost her mind when I changed my facebook status back to single.

  3. White she devil was a harpy unleashed on me by the gods to ruin my life and befoul the scraps of joy left to me. Maybe I deserved this but the boy did not.

    The second that boy was born, her time was up.

  4. It was a long, slow descent I would say. Death by a thousand cuts I guess. At some point, long before I ended it I realized it was done and I didn’t want to keep trying to fix it.

    Basically I realized I was losing opportunities to spend time with people who actually made me feel excited about life all because I couldn’t bring myself to have a difficult conversation.

  5. My wife had cheated on me and we were going to counseling to see if we could work things out.

    I am a work from home dad and did 95% of everything…primary bread winner, primary child care provider, primary homemaker, primary errand runner, when COVID happened I was also primary educator.

    We had seven kids together so it was a LOT of work for me while my ex would struggle to hold minimum wage jobs, come home and sit on the couch all night playing on her phone, and complain about how tough she thought her life was.

    One night she implied she was doing me some kind of a favor by staying in my life and I just had enough of her – I snapped, we had a huge ugly blow out argument which finally put a bullet into that lame horse of a relationship.

  6. My marriage was just a million things that added up and then she asked for an open marriage and got mad when I said I didn’t want that. I packed her things and sent her on her way.

    Had about a year long relationship with a woman after that, who was very pleasant, but her mother was an absolute prick to be around, and never once had a single nice positive thing to say. Anything I did was wrong, anything I said was wrong, and she looked at me like I was stupid anytime I opened my mouth. My final straw was when I came over to finish a few projects I put probably 12-15 hours into total, wrapped things up, and she just walked by like I didn’t do shit for her, and then made a snarky comment about how I did something, and I just grabbed my tools, didn’t say a word to either of them, and walked out. Told the girl the next day it was over.

    Happily single now and don’t have to worry about dating anymore, turns out I have zero patience for that shit.

  7. I wanted to have sex. She said “I’m tired” after staying home the whole day. I just left and never went back.

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