I (30F) have been dating my bf (30M) for 2 years. Our relationship is healthy we seldom fight and I consider him my best friend. Thing is, some days I am happy and grateful for him, other days his attitude irks me so bad and I get this “UGH” feeling about him. It’s like the same feeling when your parents or siblings piss you off but you grumble and cross your arms and deal with it because they’re family.

I feel that way with my bf one day and then the next I’m over it and love him again. He sometimes says things that rub me the wrong day and ruins my day and we don’t talk to eachother for a while because I’m mad or hes mad who knows, its just awkward. Then things are normal again.

I can’t tell if this relationship isn’t right, if birth control is making me have mood swings, if I’m just too sensitive, etc.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Love my bf one day, have disdain for him the next. We have no major issues and almost never fight. Is this normal? Could it be side effects of medication or mental illness?

  1. Yes. Learning to name that feeling and try to talk about it with him is an important step, though.

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