I’ve seen it alot in American movies and tv shows. I’ve also seen instances where somebody is showering and someone else comes in (granted the shower curtain is covered)

That would never happen abroad, not in Arab culture at least (where I’m from). We’re very invasive to each other’s privacy and don’t appreciate personal space but THIS… yeah this would be something you would get beat up for.

  1. People lock the doors. You don’t see it in movies because the door needs to be unlocked so a scene can play out. TV and movies sacrifice absolute realism for the sake of plot convenience.

  2. I don’t. Only the front and back door of the house I grew up in had locks. If the door was closed, someone was inside.

  3. If my wife walks into me showering, it’s not really a big deal.

    Usually we know if anyone’s in the bathroom.

  4. So growing up and taking a shower, I’d have to keep the door unlocked in case someone really had to use the bathroom. If it was locked, I’d get yelled at by everyone big time. Yes I hated it. And it’s awful when you’re showering and your sister comes in to take a shit because she can’t fucking hold it for 10 minutes.

    Using the toilet you could lock the door. But not while showering.

  5. I think it’s common for most people to just assume that if the door is closed the bathroom is occupied.

  6. One of my two bathrooms doesn’t even have a lock lol. I lock the door when I’m out of my home, but in my own house I don’t really see the point.

  7. Most of the bathrooms in my childhood home didn’t have locks. If the door is closed, don’t go in because someone is inside.

  8. I lock the door, I think most people do, at least those with kids. At home I actually don’t right now because my bathroom doors don’t have locks on them, but that’s going to change once my son is old enough to be able to open doors.

  9. If a door is closed and I think someone might be in there, I knock. No need to lock doors. Plus, in the event that something happens a locked door is another obstacle. (That’s in a private residence, in a public restroom, I’d use the door lock.)

  10. While growing up we never even had locks on the bathroom door. If the door’s closed we knock to see if someone is in there.

  11. Oh now I know why. I was working in the US few years ago and I opened a bathroom door where there was an American colleague inside doing his business lol. I thought he just simply forgot to lock the door

  12. I guess, if you ask the same question in AskEurope you might get even more shocking answers 😉

  13. Now that my kids are old enough to appreciate the concept of privacy, I’m not so adamant about locking the door. When they were under the age of 4- it was absolutely necessary Every. Damn. Time. They would literally walk past my husband and pound on the door like a mini SWAT team to ask me to open a pack of fruit snacks.

  14. Most of the time, we lock it. I’ll unlock it if both bathrooms are occupied at my parents’ house and one of my siblings has to use the bathroom. It’s also no big deal if my husband walks in on me showering.

  15. If I’m at home, no I’m not locking the bathroom door. Who’s going to walk in on me? My husband? He’s seen it. My kids? They been in it.

  16. The only one in my family who locks the bathroom door is my husband and he’s the only one who isn’t a US citizen.

  17. Growing up in the family home, I locked the door. Now it’s just me and my wife, so no I rarely even close the door.

  18. I lock a bathroom door when I’m out in public. I’d never lock the door at home. Honestly, I keep the door open if I’m just peeing quick

  19. Yes. Because I prefer to shower and use a toilet in peace and my family seems to be allergic to knocking. And the door doesn’t shut properly if you don’t lock it.

  20. I always lock the door. Toilet time is me time and I’m not about to let someone barge in on it.

  21. I lock the door if I’m taking a shower or getting ready in the morning. Otherwise, I just close it.

  22. The bathroom doors in our house don’t have locks. I can’t remember seeing them on any house I’ve ever lived in, to be honest. If I were in public or something I would lock the door of course. But generally, a closed door means someone is in the room and you should knock. Additionally, I only live with my husband, so it’s unlikely anyone would not know I was in the bathroom. He and I can locate each other in the house fairly easily.

  23. It depends on a lot of factors primarily: do you live with children or adults who will barge into the bathroom without any regard for privacy. Second: are you short on bathroom space and what method of sharing are you using (kind cooperation? scheduling? all out war?). Third: is it easy to tell if someone is in the bathroom.

    I used to live somewhere with more than enough bathrooms but it was difficult to tell if someone was inside: we used the lock. Now I live somewhere where as soon as you turn on the bathroom light a fan as loud as a jet engine starts blowing. Unless I lived with people who had no respect for privacy, I wouldn’t need to lock the door because it’s completely obvious when the bathroom is occupied.

    It’s standard for families to have only one kids bathroom (or only one bathroom for everyone). Obviously this creates conflict which is handled either by a no-locking policy with much barging in or a locks permitted policy with much banging on doors demanding to be let in.

  24. If a bathroom door is fully closed it’s reasonable to assume someone might be in there and knock first.

    Someone going around and just opening closed bathroom doors without knocking sounds insane.

  25. Nah, i think its an unwritten rule if the door is shut/the light is on, someone is in there. After a couple of minutes you knock, and sometimes you’ll see nobody was in there all along and then you’ll say fuck my family fr n proceed

  26. The lock on our bathroom door has been broken for 20 years we have never worried about fixing it. If the doors closed it means it’s ocupado.

  27. I have never heard of this in my life, ever. I and absolutely everyone I have ever met lock the bathroom door.

  28. We don’t close the door even, unless we have guests in the house … rarely will we even lock it …

  29. A closed bathroom door means it’s occupied. Growing up my parents didn’t want us to lock the door in case one of us slipped and fell in the shower and needed help.

  30. I’m a public restroom you always lock the door because nobody knows how to knock before coming in apparently.

    At home I don’t lock it because anyone else in the house will either know I went in or they will see the closed door and assume I’m in there and won’t come in.

    Also, there’s no way you can say that every single person from where you live locks the bathroom door. Just because you lock it and maybe everyone in your household does, doesn’t mean every single person in your county does.

  31. I live alone so no, I don’t lock the door in my own home. If I have guest or I’m outside of my home, then yes, I will lock the door.

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