I work in a deli part-time. Since working in here over the last two years, my manager (Sarah) has witnessed a bunch of female co-workers around my age develop crushes on me or try to date me. Some were so overt it was a little creepy, while others were obtusely subtle about it. But it became I guess a bit of an inside joke for her to playfully mock me over. Especially so, I suppose, because I wasn’t interested in any of these girls.

The cherry on top was recently, when a middle-aged customer randomly asked me to remove my face mask (bizarre request). But once I pulled down my face mask fully, the lady went *”Yep, I knew it. You should do modelling.”* I’ve yet to live this one down and Sarah never ceases to remind me of this.

Sarah, for reference, is a forty-year-old mother with two teenage children but treats me like her own son. But recently, our store received a fresh intake of employees, and one of them is a girl who has caught my eye. She works bakery (which is incidentally right next to the deli). So we’ve made eyes at each other a couple of times and are in that ambiguous stage of curiosity.

But every time I approach this girl for work-related requests, she always becomes really surprised and giddy that I am interacting with her and then starts blushing and smiling to herself.

I’ve been intending to get to know her better and talk to her. Introduce myself properly and whatnot. But something weird is going on… I can sense it.

Today, for example, Sarah and I were working in deli together and I noticed the cute girl over in bakery. Sarah has never spoken to or used the bakery girl’s name before (and this remained true for most of today). But then I went on my lunch break for an hour…

And when I came back the chemistry between the two had completely changed. Sarah was now constantly going up towards bakery and referring to the bakery girl by name (Lucy). And talking to her as if she was now a part of our department. Just very casually and relaxed as if they were now besties. With Sarah often even deliberately trying to include me into their conversations (which I thought was a little odd). But I had also noticed my manager was also acting incredibly euphoric and silly and being even more playful than usual… And then when we were both on the farthest end from Lucy (out of hearing range) my manager randomly whispers to me and asks if I’m single or have a girlfriend.

Nothing against my manager asking for my relationship status, but it just came out of nowhere. It wasn’t connected or related to any conversation we were having. But more like she had a specific agenda. And I answered her honestly and told her I was single, and then she asked me why that was. So I just told her I’m kind of fussy and know what I like. I then playfully called her out for asking such a random question by suggesting she must be drunk to which she said *”maybe I am”* (she wasn’t actually). Point is it was just very bizarre and random.

And then after that for the rest of the hour, Sarah continued to tease me and direct it at Lucy (which I thought was really weird). Just being very over-the-top and dramatic and intentionally saying things to Lucy involving me despite me not knowing her like, *”Ugh, boys!! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them!”* to which Lucy would giggle at.

But I was like… Why is my manager teasing me so much?… It’s almost like she is overcompensating and putting on a show for someone for some reason. Is my manager trying to set me up with this girl?

  1. She is (very awkwardly) trying to get YOU to talk to the girl. So basically in her own way, she is attempting to help you! Nothing malicious or mean about it at all. Obviously she has seen you “notice” this girl in bakery, and not SAY anything to her….so she is trying to bridge the gap for you (since you didn’t mention actually speaking to this girl)

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