I know a good portion of people stay for the entire length of the date to just be nice. So what are signs that the other person doesn’t like you on the date?

  1. Cutting the date short. On the phone most of the time. Looks away when you’re taking or not contributing much to the conversation. Not asking questions about you. No follow up text message or mentioning anything about a good night.

  2. The biggest sign is that they don’t reciprocate by flirting back or touching you. They may still ask questions and make conversation to be polite, but you can tell that they’re not genuinely interested.

    I also check how they’re sitting. If their legs and body are turned away from me, 90% of the time they’re not that interested.

  3. Usually I will avoid eyes contact w the person I don’t like, it’s like I don’t even bother or find them fascinating to look at. And I will not initiate any “real” question to get to know them. For example if they ask me sth, I would only answer briefly and ask back “what about u?” so the convo is not ☠️and that’s all

  4. Hm… it depends obviously, but here might be some indicators:

    Looking away frequently

    Checking the time frequently

    Spending more time checking phone than engaging with you

    Not much smiling

    Closed off body language

    Doesn’t ask you questions to keep conversation flowing

    Keeps answers to questions short

    Recoils at any attempt at physical contact

  5. Usually if I am not interested in someone after the 1st date but if they seem to be, I still go out on a second date to see if I feel any different because you never know. This is as long as the guy is otherwise a good, friendly person.

    Regardless of whether I am interested or not, I make sure I pay for my coffee/food whatever. Its more practical and less of an obligation that way on either side.

    Most times if a second date too doesn’t change how I feel, I let them know in a straight forward but polite manner that I did not feel a connection.

    Otoh, if I don’t strongly feel that the other person is as interested as I am, I take that “feeling” as a hint and leave it be.

    Its not a whole lot of investment because its just a first meet. I think usually when people are interested, they find a way to express that. 🙂 Even if they maybe shy or whatever.

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