Questions for the Gentlemans. How long does it take you to fall in love with someone?

  1. Depends if we’re talking actual love or if we’re talking lust or obsession. Anyone can fall in “Love” and began idolizing someone because they find them attractive but I propose that actual love takes time to come to fruition. You know you’re in love when you see the worst sides of them and you still want to stay. The infatuation stage can evolve into love but I don’t think it’s love yet. With that in mind, I say 8 months to a year. Just long enough for you to get past the facade and become comfortable enough to show your real personalities to each other.

  2. It depends. I’ve fallen in love really quickly (like, within a couple weeks).. and I’ve had it happen very slowly, but no less a feeling.

  3. “Fall in love” is a terrible phrase. First, you are avoiding responsibility for your own emotions and actions. You are treating it as something that happens without your will. This gives you permission to “fall out of love” as an excuse.

    Second, there is no good definition for “love” in that sense. It’s some weird combination of lust, desire. caring, and commitment.

    What you really mean is that for some time you have allowed your reaction to your hormones to guide you down a path. When those hormonal reactions inevitably change, you release yourself from responsibility for the consequences.

    Don’t “fall in love.” Make decisions.

  4. I’ve fallen in lust almost immediately many times, but a few weeks to actually fall in love.

  5. I’m demisexual—which essentially means I don’t experience any attraction to someone unless I have a close emotional connection to them. I don’t get crushes on strangers, I’m not turned on by porn, and I’ve never experienced “love at first sight”. That being said, I’ve been in love many times before, and am currently very happily engaged. The bare minimum I need to know someone before I could potentially feel attracted to them is one year, but it tends to be several years from personal experience. I knew my fiancée since 2018, and we were very close friends for a full year before I realized I had feelings for her. Because I need to know someone very well before I fall in love, I’ve never had experience with brief or unsure relationships, and the only one I’ve ever been in (with her) has led to us planning on getting married haha.

    I think “falling in love” is a word for the lovely feeling of realizing your attraction, but what makes a relationship last isn’t that type of love, it’s the form of love that comes from a conscious and intentional commitment to stay with them and care for them. That sort of love lasts way longer than the butterflies of the initial “fall”, and it’s the kind that makes the relationship so beautiful

  6. It takes a moment; not a certain amount of time or a checklist but there is just something that triggers it.

  7. Everyone and every circumstance is different. It took us 17 years to fall in love. Obviously, a long story.

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