I (m25) dated a girl ( f20) in march for a brief period in march, it seemed to be going extremely well then all of a sudden she disappeared, and she hid her story for about weeks and then made it visible again afte a bit
We kept liking each other’s post and stories on our birthday but after that no contact
Yesterday after attending a concert I received a message where she sent me her story saying “hey I saw you at the concert but didn’t make it time to say hello”

The girl is incredibly attractive and based on character it felt like we were clicking but I don’t want to waste my time again

Should I play along or ignore her ?

  1. Odds are if she is incredibly attractive as you’ve said, then she’s probably doing shit she doesn’t want you to know about, which is a obvious red flag.

    Young girls aren’t worth the risk dude. They are way to wild for their own good, especially the attractive ones.

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